You Better Listen! Studio Dan Brings New Sounds to MuTh in 2024

Photo of Studio Dan (c) Ditz Fejer
Studio Dan (c) Ditz Fejer

After twenty years, multiple albums, and success on two continents, the ensemble Studio Dan can reasonably said to be a mainstay of the Austrian contemporary music scene. Founded by trombonist and composer Daniel Riegler, the group concentrates on the overlap between contemporary classical and improvisation. This month, the ensemble will perform the first concert of “You Better Listen!” – a concert series featuring pre-eminent Austrian and international artists – in Vienna’s MuTh theater.

MuTh (short for Music and Theater), located on the edge of Vienna’s expansive Augarten park, is one of the city’s best-sounding venues, allowing for innovative concert experiences – large-format, electroacoustic, border-dissolving. In other words, right up Studio Dan’s alley.

“You Better Listen!” may sound a little harsh, but according to the ensemble’s description, it’s meant as a heartfelt invitation: to listen to and with one another, to allow oneself to be transported to other spheres, form connections to oneself
and others, to work collective transformation in a resonant space. A special treat before each concert is the amuse-gueule, an ear-opening introduction placing interested concertgoers in the midst of the ensemble, where they are treated to a preview of the evening’s musical highlights.

The program

Concerts begin at 7:30 p.m., with the amuse-gueule starting at 6:15

January 26th
Studio Dan under the direction of Xizi Wang, featuring guitarist Martin Siewert. Music by Oxana Omelchuk and Julia Purgina.

May 7th
On Connection
Studio Dan, featuring pianist/keyboardist Wolfgang Mitterer.
Music by Mitterer and American George Lewis.

September 26th
Loose Ends
Studio Dan/Xizi Wang, featuring Oliver Johnson (aka Dorian Concept), keyboard and electronics.
Music by Johnson and Sonja Mutić.

Adapted from the German original by Philip Yaeger