Waves Vienna Music Conference 2019: Conference Schedule September 26 – 28, 2019

Waves Vienna Conference 2018 © Anna Breit
Waves Vienna Conference 2018 © Anna Breit

From September 26 to 28, 2019, the Waves Vienna Music Conference, organized by Waves Vienna and Austrian Music Export, will take place for the ninth time. National and international music experts, label owners, bookers, and musicians will meet during the day for lectures, discussions and networking events at Vienna’s WUK. In the evening the festival will host performances of around 100 upcoming bands. 

conference Schedule: September 26 – 28, 2019

September 26

Conference Room 1

15:30 – 16:30: Agent of Change

The initiative N8BM is working on installing the concept of a night mayor for Vienna and asking which concepts – looking at international best practices – would work for Vienna to improve its nightlife. To answer this question we’re taking a glance at London focusing the topic Agent of Change. Agent of Change says that the person/business responsible for the change is responsible for managing the impact of the change. This means that an apartment block to be built near an established live music venue or club would have to pay for soundproofing. Alan Miller from the Nightlife Industries Association London will give input on the topic discussing with Astrid Exner from WUK and Peter Dobcak from the chamber of commerce Vienna, whilst Lucas Knoflach from Sound Diplomacy will be moderating.

Speaker: Speaker: Peter Dobcak (Wirtschaftskammer Wien, AT), Astrid Exner (WUK, AT), Alan D Miller (The Night Time Industries Association, UK) – Hosted by: Lucas Knoflach (Sound Diplomacy, AT)

Conference Room 2

14:00 – 15:00: Lehrgang Musikwirtschaft 2019 – Einführungsveranstaltung
Closed Meeting – by Invitation only

Der 1-semestrige berufsbegleitende Lehrgang findet immer im Wintersemester (Ende September bis Februar) statt. Er bietet umfassenden Einblick in die Strukturen und Funktionsweisen der Musikwirtschaft. Damit schafft er eine Grundlage für professionelles und erfolgreiches Arbeiten in der Praxis. ExpertInnen aus der Branche liefern das dafür nötige Hintergrundwissen: Sie vermitteln anschaulich, welche Aufgaben zentrale Institutionen wie Labels, Verlage, Verwertungsgesellschaften und Agenturen haben und wie sie zusammenwirken. Die lokale und internationale Vernetzung dieser Player wird deutlich gemacht, neue Herausforderungen und Rollenverteilungen im Zuge der Digitalisierung berücksichtigt.
Der Lehrgang unterstützt die Professionalisierung innerhalb klassischer und neuer Tätigkeitsfelder in der Musikwirtschaft. Der Lehrgang richtet sich an MusikmanagerInnen, A&R ManagerInnen, Booking Agents, Digital Rights Manager, Licensing/Sync Rights Manager, Aufgabenfelder von Labels, Verlagen oder Verwertungsgesellschaften. Die AbsolventInnen erhalten ein Hochschulzertifikat mit ECTS-Nachweis, das für weiterführende Studien angerechnet werden kann.

Speaker: Hannes Tschürtz (ink music, AT)

15:30 – 16:00: The Future of Music Composition and Artificial Intelligence
Breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI) make music composition easier than ever, and AI is increasingly being asked to compose music itself. Recently, the first-ever album composed and produced by an AI has been released. In recent years various AI platforms are used in the music industry, to reshape how music is made, suggesting new and exciting possibilities for music creation. It seems that creativity is no longer an exclusively human quality, and AI can be used to explore vital questions about the nature of human expression. In this presentation we will discuss the future of music authorship, and issues related to this exciting development: Will AI replace humans in music compositions? what is the future of music composition? Do AI algorithms create their own work, or is it the humans behind them? What are the new creative dimensions presented for musicians using AI?

Speaker: Eyal Brook (Eyal Brook Law Office, IL)

Ticketmaster Lounge @ Projektraum

18:30 – 19:30: Introducing Israel – Reception

Israel is mostly known for its innovative technology and High-Tec industry. However, in recent years, the world is taking notice of its vibrant cultural content, including film, TV formats and the musical scene as well. The interest in Israeli Rock and Electronica has been steadily on the rise, with musicians such as Asaf Avidan and Dennis Lloyd landing record deals with SONY, and Netta Barzilai taking the 2018 Eurovision song contest by storm.
In 2016, Waves Vienna Selected Israel (and Germany) as its focus country, showcasing many of Israel’s newest and edgiest musicians in their European debut. This year the tradition continues, as the next wave of Israeli music is coming to Waves Vienna 2019. A Reception event for the Israeli musicians will be held on the 26th, 18:30, at the Ticketmaster Lounge @ Projektraum. Israeli pop singer Sabina, a 2015 Waves Vienna alumni, will perform a 20 min semi-acoustic live-set. Everyone is more than welcome, so drop by, have a drink, listen to some great music, and mingle with the Israeli musicians in an intimate and informal atmosphere.

September 27

Café Weimar

10:00 –  11:00: Meet the Journalists

Speed Meeting. Closed meeting for selected applicants only.

w/ Ádám Bicsérdi (Kreativ, HU), Matti Komulainen (Journalist & Photographer at soundi.fi, jazzrymit.fi, FI), ), Edo Plovanic (muzika.hr, HR), Rasmus Stegmann (Regnsky, DK)

Conference Room 1

10:15 – 11:15: Banding Real-Life Matchmaking Workshop

Banding is a matchmaking app made for bands and DJs to empower them to discover their potential fans by exchanging gigs and playing in front of each other’s audience. At the real-life matchmaking workshop, the Banding team will find the best matches for your act and individually discuss all the important prospects and obstacles.
Limited places available, Apply here (Deadline: September 25).

Speaker: Suzanne Ranovich (Banding, HU), Daniel Somló (eastaste, HU)

11:30 – 12:30: Women in Live Music Production

It’s a sad fact that women are still a minority in leading positions within the entire music industry, but no other part looks as unequal as live music production. Luckily there are successful pioneers who are willing to share their experiences with us, introducing initiatives and networks helping to overcome prejudices and opening up this interesting field to more women.

Speaker: Cornelia Ettinger (AT), Monika Matiasovska (Pohoda Festival, SK), Peggy Skzkudlarek (DIFproductions, FR) – Hosted by: Itta Francesca Ivellio-Vellin (Sofar Sounds Vienna, AT)

13:30 – 14:30: Banning Content of Dubious Performers – Moral Censorship or Acceptable Regulation?

When artists are exposed for reprehensible views or illegal actions, fans are faced with a difficult dilemma. Continue to enjoy the creative output of the likes of Michael Jackson, Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, R. Kelly or Kevin Spacey, or focus instead on the works of less dubious artists. Some are able to separate the art from the artist, allowing them to continue to enjoy the works of Louis Ferdinand Céline or Garry Glitter, but many others find it more difficult.
When it comes to consuming art curated by others, the discussion reaches the level of content providers, like streaming platforms or broadcasters. Do they have the moral right or even an obligation to remove the repertoire of shady people – not to be confused with controversial content – or is this an illegitimate approach, a form of moral censorship? And if they do “scrub” their repertoire, where shall they draw the line in times of public prejudgments? What exactly are the criteria for being deemed unfit for the platform or station?
Spotify, for instance, removed XXXTentacion and R. Kelly from their playlists. In early 2019, after a public outcry, they reversed the ban and announced a new function that allowed users to mute and block artists themselves. Is telling users “You deal with it” a good way out of this complex situation?

Speaker: Karl Fluch (Der Standard, AT), Ivan Novak (Laibach, SI), Maria Scharl (Artist, AT) – Hosted by: Susi Ondrusová (FM4, AT)

15:15 – 16:00:  Laibach’s Ivan Novak

Mr. Ivo Saliger (alias Ivan Novak), engineer of the human souls, member and co-creator of Laibach’s strategy and theory since 1980, member and co-creator of Neue Slowenische Kunst between 1984 – 1992 and citizen of NSK State since 1992 speaks about overcoming the assumed impossibility of making an international career out of a country with almost no music industry structure, no support mechanisms, and some barriers.

Speaker: Ivan Novak (Laibach, SI) – Hosted by: Isabella Khom (Noisey Alps, AT)

Conference Room 2

10:00 – 11:00: Focus Country Sweden

Each year true to the motto of the festival “East meets West” Waves Vienna invites two focus country for the festival and the Conference. Find out more about the rich and lively Swedish music scene. Networking opportunity with key players of the Swedish music market, facts & figures, country presentation.

Speaker: Mattias Albinson (Headstomp Productions, SE), Frederik Andersson (Pace Management / Welfare Sounds, SE) – Hosted by: Ellinor Andersson (Westside Music Sweden, SE)

11:30 – 12:30: Focus Country Hungary

Each year true to the motto of the festival “East meets West” Waves Vienna invites two focus country for the festival and the Conference. Find out more about the rich and lively Hungarian music scene. Networking opportunity with key players of the Hungarian music market, facts & figures, country presentation.

Speaker: Szabolcz Czeglédi (Bánkitó, HU), Ákos Remetei-Filep (Sziget, HU), András Süli (Campus, HU), Péter Benjamin Tóth (Artisjus, HU) – Hosted by: Dávid Bali (Hungarian Oncoming Tunes HOTS, HU)

13:30 – 14:30: Challenges Entering Asian Music Markets

Asia presents huge opportunities for European musicians and companies, but good preparation and knowledge of the particular territories is key for a successful market entry. Experts provide insights into some of the challenges and best practices for breaking into some Asian markets.

Speaker: Philipp Grefer (Fake Music Media, DE), Andre Tully (Nothing Regular Media and Entertainment, IN), Alexandra Vivirschi (Cybergroove AM, RO) – Hosted by: Jani Joenninemi (EARS, FI)

15:00 – 16:00: CEEMID Music Professional Survey for 2019

CEEMID – Central & Eastern European Music Databases was created out of necessity: many Central and Eastern European countries are lacking effective cross-industry or governmental statistics on music or on cultural industries in general. The lack of data makes the work of tour planning, record promotion, grant evaluation or royalty tariff setting very difficult in those countries where the need would be even greater for such activities than in the most advanced markets.
Musicians are the most known source of information: Daniel Antal developed a survey distributed among music professionals asking them about their experience. These surveys were designed to fill the gaps in the data collection of official statistics and other music and film industry sources. The first survey was made in 2014 in Hungary, and in 2019 it already included 11 countries. They had been filled out in the past years by more than 5000 creative industry professional, in 2019 in Austria, too. Daniel Antal believes that the music business in most of Europe, including Austria, has many common, similar challenges and would need a lot more regional cooperation to solve them. With the CEEMID-report, presented at the Waves Vienna Conference. Daniel Antal gives a fact-based comparison and will suggest some possible policy and strategic solutions to be debated after.

Speaker: Daniel Antal (CEEMID, HU), Marton Naray (Sounds Czech, CZ), Péter Benjamin Tóth (Artisjus, HU)

Kunsthalle Exnergasse

10:00 – 11:00: Feedback Listening Session 1

International professionals give constructive feedback on fresh acts with international potential. Please apply with a track for the session here.

Speaker: Andraz Kajzer (MENT, SI), Monika Matiasovska (Pohoda Festival, SK), Alexandra Muirhead (Howling Booking, Flocken Media, Waves Rolling, SE), Alexandra Vivirschi (Cybergroove AM, RO) – Hosted by: Rainer Praschak (mica – music austria, AT)

11:30 – 12:30: Feedback Listening Session Journalists

International journalists talk us through their highlights of this year’s Waves Vienna concert programme.

Speaker: Matti Komulainen (Journalist & Photographer at soundi.fi, jazzrymit.fi, FI), Susi Ondrušová (FM4, AT), Rasmus Stegmann (Regnsky, DK) – Hosted by: Rainer Praschak (mica – music austria, AT)

13:30 – 14:30: Feedback Listening Session 2

International professionals give constructive feedback on fresh acts with international potential. Please apply with a track for the session here.

Speaker: Astrid Exner (WUK, AT), Olaf Furniss (Wide Days, UK), Edo Plovanic (muzika.hr, HR), Oskar Strajn (Eurosonic Noorderslag, SI) – Hosted by: Rainer Praschak (mica – music austria, AT)

15:15 – 15:45: Musimap: Emotional Music Profiles with AI

Musimap is a music metadata enrichment platform leveraging A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) to tag music catalogs of any size automatically with bpm, voice gender, genres, moods and listening situations. By analyzing the musical preference of a user, Musimap can also compute its emotional profile. Emotional profile allows personalized music recommendation / curation at scale and generates successful audio-branding campaigns. Such advanced automated tools help businesses in the fields of music, advertising, dating and e-commerce to achieve high performances in terms of recommendation, targeting and profiling.

Speaker: Tom Lidy (musimap, AT)

15:45 – 16:15 FuturePulse: Revolutionizing The Music Industry

FuturePulse provides an innovative B2B platform offering music data analytics and predictive modelling services to evolve and advance the music industry. The project develops a multimodal predictive analytics and recommendation  platform, which is pilot tested by 3 different business scenarios:

  1. Record Labels: FuturePulse helps music professionals understand how different signals from music streaming, music play in radio/TV and social media sharing, translate to future music sales and revenues; and what are the best strategies to optimize them.
  2. Live Music: FuturePulse collects and analyze data from multiple sources around artists in order to  predict the ticket sales that an artist would bring for a particular venue, the audience demographics, discover and recommend artists that will be a good match for a venue, and support the end users in pricing the artists for live events.
  3. Online Music Platforms: FuturePulse provides a platform for joint analysis of music play data coming from the music streaming platform and data coming from the client business where music is played, allowing end users to uncover valuable correlations and recommend music to stream to optimize business goals.

FuturePulse is an  EU co-funded  R&D  project  carried  out  by  three  pilot  partners  (Playground,  Sónar and Soundtrack Your Brand), two leading EU research organizations (CERTH, IRCAM), and three IT and data providers (BMAT, ATC and Musimap).

Speaker: Tom Lidy (musimap, AT)

Ticketmaster Lounge @ Projektraum

10:00 – 11:00 Meet the Festivals (Speed Meeting)

Closed meeting for selected applicants only. Click here to apply for this Speed Meeting

w/ Ákos Remetei-Filep (Sziget, HU), Gorjana Jordanovska (Password Production, MK), Jesus Guisado Hernandez(Monkey Week, ES), Oskar Strajn (Eurosonic Noorderslag, SI), Peter Astedt (Live at Heart, SE), Ricardo Teixeira Freitas (Westway LAB, PT), Sam Caunce (Liverpool Sound City / Modernsky, UK)

12:30 – 13:30 Meet Ukrainians! (Reception)

Meet Ukrainians – music journalists, promoters, artists and export offices – at the Waves Vienna reception! Do not miss an opportunity to discover the evolving and promising music market of Ukraine, one of the largest countries in Europe with a dynamic music scene. A special friendly atmosphere will be created by country/folk singer Sasha Boole who will perform at the event. Ukrainian hosts promise drinks, snacks and warm welcome!
Reception is organized by the Ukrainian Institute and Music Export Ukraine.

14:00 – 15:00 Meet the Focus Countries (Speed Meeting)

Closed meeting for selected applicants only. Click here to apply for this Speed Meeting

w/ Ellinor Andersson (Westside Music Sweden, SE), Frederik Andersson (Pace Management / Welfare Sounds, SE), Renátó Horváth (BUSH, HU), Andrea Kulcsár (DEX Songwriting Expo, HU), Thomas Karlsson (Thomas Karlsson, SE)

16:30 – 17:30 Swiss Business Mixer (Reception)

Being the Waves Vienna fans that we are, we couldn’t resist the temptation to present another SME Business Mixer, complete with Swiss wine, snacks, and, of course, a live music showcase with Ikan Hyu. Unmissable, we think – do come along. Entry to the event is free. However, you will need to register until Wednesday, 25 September. Register: https://forms.gle/eDJVCzFxN9FzbyDbA

This event is presented by Fondation Suisa, the Swiss Embassy Vienna and Swiss Music Export.

18:30 – 19:30 Ticketmaster Reception

With 40+ years’ experience, Ticketmaster’s long standing partnerships with promoters and venues across the world make it part of the fabric of the live music industry. Ticketmaster is a global business powered by local knowledge to improve the experience for fans.
Ticketmaster’s Artist Services team works with 100s of artists every year in the UK, Europe & beyond. The team is dedicated to achieving the goals of artists at every stage of their career, working in conjunction with managers, agents, labels, promoters and venues.
Ticketmaster works with the most cutting edge promoters, in venues that are the breeding ground for emerging artists. New music, and helping other fans to discover it, is the idea behind it.
Accessible Ticketing, Verfied Fan, Fan Guarantee and Digital Tickets are keywords in our work. The fan experience is key to everything Ticketmaster does – from the ticket sale to the night of the show. Ticketmaster wants to make sure that tickets go straight into the hands of real fans. Working with technology that develops hassle free products, beats bots and keeps tickets within the primary market. Deep insights into the customer database helps to identify and reach the right audiences for each artist.
Ticketmaster has worked with some of the biggest stars in music business from the very beginning and wants to share this experience with emerging artists.

 Nuu Gallery

10:00 – 11:00: Take what’s yours. Music data for the indies – hosted by Observer

Streaming platforms, digital radio, podcasts and social media open a whole new range of opportunities for independent artists and labels to communicate their content and distribute their music. At the same time the new media often lack sufficient revenue streams and bear the risk of streaming- and licencing- fraud. In this open discussion hosted by media intelligence provider »OBSERVER« the audience will learn that data, and not money is the real value for most artists in a digital world. The panelists will discuss how data analytics can help indie artists to build strategies and boost their career.

Speaker: Florian Richling, (ForTunes, AT), Jesper Skibsby (Warm Airplay Monitoring, DK) – Hosted by: Simon Gebauer (OBSERVER, AT)

12:30 – 13:30: Introducing Liechtenstein Soundz  Reception;  Live Act: Lara Lotzer
We are pleased to present Liechtenstein Soundz at Waves Vienna 2019 with the charming singer and songwriter Lara Lotzer. Lara has been writing her own songs about experiences and memories, about dreams and wishes for years. After Lara’s reception feel free to chat with her and enjoy Lara’s Showcase as well as our latest alternative rock ambition “New Dawn Fading” on Saturday, September 28th. Meet representatives of the Liechtenstein Embassy in Vienna and enjoy wine and cheese from Liechtenstein.

15:45 -16:45 SoundCzech Time Reception
After having a look at the great bands from Czech Republic  (I love You Honey Bunny, Viah, and Aiko) come and meet the managers, promoters and czech music scene “knowitalls” at Nuu Gallery. You are welcome to enjoy crunchy sounds with Viah, and flash it down with some matching beers.

17:30 – 18:30 Slovenian moMENTs Reception
The Slovenian reception at Waves Vienna has become a traditional guarantee of an unforgettable introduction to Friday’s gigs. You will have the chance to hear some magnificent Slovenian artists with an excellent Bevog beer in your hand, and grab some gourmet snacks afterwards. The included musicians this year are zalagasper, Noair and Neomi (in the picture). You are kindly invited to spend some quality time with us!
Presented by SKICA, SIGIC, Music Slovenia and MENT Ljubljana.
Supported by Bevog.

September 28

Kunsthalle Exnergasse

13:30 – 18:30 INES Member Meeting
Closed Meeting / by Invitation Only

The INNOVATION NETWORK OF EUROPEAN SHOWCASES, or INES, is a European cooperation project initiated by eight international showcase festivals and gigmit, the European digital platform for artist booking. Showcase festivals are national music industry events that provide a platform for artist discovery, business networking and education. They combine live music performances, conference programmes and trade shows. This makes them the innovation hubs of the music industry. Whether it’s about artist discovery, professional education or capacity building, it all happens there. By connecting those hubs, INES will create a united and strong European music market.

DelegateS Tour, Sept 28, 10:45 – 18:30

We start on Saturday at 10:45 and take you to great places around Vienna. You’ll experience food, drinks and music. We have a limited capacity on the bus so be on time on Saturday at the front entrance of WUK (next to ticketing).  There’s also a waiting list, so if this form is closed and you want to come with us, just show up on time at Saturday. There’re always some people who don’t show up in time and we’re distributing their places after 10:45. NOTE: This tour is for Pro Pass and Conference Pass holders only!
Apply here to get a seat on the Delegates Tour (limited capacity)


  • 11:30 – 12:30 “HOTS Hungarian Tunes”
    Venue: Collegium Hungaricum
    This years’ HOTS reception will be an event-to-remember after the last two years’ packed meetups: it’s not only the first time that Hungary earns a focus role on a professional event – which we couldn’t be more excited about! –, but thanks to this reception, Waves Vienna also returns to Collegium Hungaricum, the venue where it all started. Plan your Saturday with us, Hungarian beats and bites and drinks, and the key professionals you should know from our territory.
  • 13:00 – 14:00 “Visit at SAE”
    Venue: SAE Institute
    Visit SAE Institute Vienna, where creative media technology has been taught for more than 30 years in a practical and unique atmosphere. Stay at the campus own event-space and listen to DRAMAS, an upcoming electro-/art pop act from Vienna, that has been thrilling their audience at Popfest Wien earlier this year. Finish your stop with a tour through their wide studio space, that offers equipment and sounds everyone is longing for. www.sae.edu
  • 14:30 – 15:30 “Radio FM4 Showcase presented by ETEP
    Venue: Funkhaus
    Austrian band My Ugly Clementine plays a very special showcase at the famous Funkhaus in Vienna’s 4th district home to Austrian national radio FM4.This Supergroup from Vienna is damn serious about one thing: having fun! MY UGLY CLEMENTINE (pun intended!) is thebrainchild of Sophie Lindinger (who won awards and made waves with her band Leyyabefore) -the songwriter and producer gathered people around her that she always wanted to work and play with. The group now features Mira Lu Kovacs (of Schmieds Puls, 5KHD), Kathrin Kolleritsch (Kerosin95) and Barbara Jungreithmeier -all of them quite well known figures in their respective scenes locally, some way beyond. Their first show got sold out within 20 hours -whilst no one had even heard a single note of their songs. Now that „Never Be Yours“got released, the excitement is even higher: Finally someone is brushing all the dust from those old rock guitars and is fitting them right into the world of 2019. Give me more!
  • 16:00 – 17:00 “Gotta Get Swedish”
    Venue: Ruby Marie
    Westside Music Sweden and Talentcoach are happy to welcome old and new friends at Gotta Get Swedish, a rare opportunity and a wild ride catching up with some Swedish indie businesses – welcome!Gotta get Swedish is a chance to meet the most thriving parts of Sweden, musically speaking. Representatives from the independent platform Westside Music Sweden and the talent development agency Talentcoach will be present and ready to meet new and old friends interested in new and exciting music from Sweden. As one of the two focus countries six acts are presented at Waves Vienna by the two, namely: Linn Koch-Emmery, MANX and Two Year Vacation from Westside and Miss Sister, Hildur Höglind and Adée from Talentcoach.
    Presented by: Westside Music Sweden, a new company working with indie music businesses and artists from Gothenburg and around, spreading the sounds where possible and relevant. Westside also host the international club festival and intimate music conference, Viva Sounds, 6th-7th of December in Gothenburg.
    Talentcoach focuses on developing and showcasing the most promising young artists and bands coming out of Kalmar Län in the Southeast of Sweden and giving artists the tools to build careers and make a living from music.
  • 17:30 – 18:30 WUNDERBAR – German Music Export Reception
    Venue: Projektraum WUK Vienna
    As part of the Delegates Tour, Initiative Musik warmly welcomes you at their reception. Get to know the German delegates and artists while enjoying drinks and snacks as well as some live music. This year 16 German acts perform at Waves Vienna: Alli Neumann, Carlos Cipa, Darjeeling, Das Moped, International Music, J. Lamotta, John Moods (picture), Kaleo Sansaa, Martin Kohlstedt, Matija, Mola, Telquist, The Screenshots, TinTin, To Be We and Vögel Die Erde Essen. Make sure you check them out!

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