As in the past year, an important part of the festival is the conference which will take place on the 4th and 5th of October. The specialist programme, which is meant to be the basis and inspiration for a long-term, pan-European cooperation, addresses current issues in the music industry as well as the key subject of Eastern and Western European exchange.
International business meeting as an opportunity for local musicians
During the Waves Music Conference, Vienna becomes the meeting point of international disseminators of the music business such as festival and concert organisers, labels and publishing houses, as well as managers and media people. Internationalisation is a key issue for many representatives of local artists and their economic environment. The conference offers the opportunity to establish important, long-lasting contacts to all those who have not yet been present at international festivals and conferences.
The following improvements will be implemented in 2012:
• Even more programme
This year, more than 35 keynotes, panels, and workshops will take place. Three rooms will simultaneously be in use at the conference hotels Stefanie and City Central for that purpose.
• Broad topical scope
Apart from the main focus „Cooperation between East and West“, the conference also addresses current issues such as adequate remuneration by streaming services, new ticketing models, DIY labels, or the significance of music blogs. But the long runner copyright law, too, will be on the agenda; with a focus on the hitherto rarely heard positions of independent artists and labels. Numerous information panels and workshops – partly in cooperation with wienXtra soundbase and SAE – deal with topics such as funding, visa in Eastern Europe, sync rights, digital marketing, and many more.
• Greater involvement of musicians
National and international musicians will be increasingly involved in the conference programme. At the Waves Music Conference, the points of view and experiences of musicians will be heard and taken into consideration; input which is missing at many industry meetings.
• Workshops for local musicians will be integrated into the conference
In this way, the conference becomes equally relevant for international disseminators and national newcomers. And the new talents get the opportunity for an initial international exchange.
• Feedback sessions
Acts selected by an expert jury for having the potential for an international career will get constructive feedback from renowned music professionals. There will also be a feedback session dedicated to the web presence of bands or labels.
• Guest countries Poland and France
For the first time, there will be two guest countries at Waves Vienna; one from Western Europe, one from Eastern Europe – corresponding to the festival motto “East Meets West”. The two guest countries of the festival also constitute key subjects of the conference programme. Apart from information about the French and Polish music markets and the music scenes of the two nations, participants will discuss and provide information about the access to these music markets and their particularities.
Waves Vienna Conference Timetable 2012
Conference Venues:
Taborstraße 12
1020 Wien
Taborstraße 8
1020 Wien
Thursday, October 4th
#01 Sync-Rights 1 (11.00-11.45)
Lecture (German)
Rechtliche und theoretische Einführung in das Thema Synchronisationsrechte.
Vortragender: Dietmar Dokalik (Musician/Judge/Ministry of Justice/AT)
HOTEL STEFANIE (Konferenzsaal)
#02 The Scoop Engine (11.00-11.30)
Presentation (English)
Introducing the first Pan-European music PR service capable of effectively transcending the European border, with agencies in France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium and The Netherlands
#03 Ticketing (11.30-12.30)
Panel (English)
Different models of ticketing systems and their increasing importance within the live music scene
Speakers: Paul Debnam (PSI Music/AT), Simone Mathys-Parnreiter (wienXtra-soundbase/AT), Hannes Tschürtz (Ink Music/ntry/AT), Markus Winterer (Agentur Winterer/AT)
Host: Dave Dempsey (FM4/AT)
#4 Sync-Rights 2 (11.45-12.30)
Panel (German)
Praxisnahe Einblicke zum Thema Synchronisationsrechte von Agenturen, Studios und Musikschaffenden.
Speakers: Lisa Humann (Swimming Pool/AT), Bernd Jungmair (Cosmix/AT), Wolfgang Schlögl (Musician/I-Wolf/Sofa Surfers/AT)
Host: Rainer Praschak (mica – music austria/AT)
HOTEL STEFANIE (Konferenzsaal)
#5 DIY Label (12.30-13.15)
Panel (English)
Pros and cons of DIY Labels compared to Indie and Major Labels.
Speakers: Ilias Dahimène (Seayou Records/AT), Thomas Morr (Morr Music/D), Nuri Nurbachsch (Brand Manager Warner Music Austria/AT), Benjamin-Zsolt Zombori (Musician/Bensh/AT)
Host: Stefan Trischler (a.k.a. Trishes/FM4/AT)
HOTEL STEFANIE (Konferenzsaal)
#06 ntry (12.30-13.15)
Presentation (English)
Ntry brings the Direct-2-Fan-term into the world of ticketing and presents a new, mobile ticketing system.
Speakers: Klaus Kühnhammer (ntry/AT), Hannes Tschürtz (Ink Music/ntry/AT)
# 07 Introducing Austrian Labels (13.15-14.00)
Panel (English)
Meet four of Austria’s finest labels: Houztekk, Ink Music, & Siluh Records
Speakers: Kata Fohl & Walter Gröbchen (monkey./AT), Bernhard Kern (Siluh Records/AT), Markus Landl & Maximilian Meindl (Houztekk/AT), Hannes Tschürtz (Ink Music/ntry/AT)
Host: Stefan Trischler (a.k.a. Trishes/FM4/AT)
HOTEL STEFANIE (Konferenzsaal)
#08 Social Media Marketing (13.15-14.00)
Workshop (German)
Social Media richtig nutzen, um mehr Fans und Publikum zu erreichen und an Reputation zu gewinnen.
Vortragende: Lisa Stadler (Der Standard/AT)
#09 Mobile Apps for Festivals (14:00–15:00)
Presentation Greencopper mobile apps for festival and venues : Learn how a mobile application can provide your audience with in-hand interactive line-up and your sponsors with innovative visibility, all at once. [EN]
Host: Cecile Martin (Les Editions Greencopper/FR)
HOTEL STEFANIE (Konferenzsaal)
#10 Feedback Sessions Website (14.00-15.00)
Workshop (German)
Interessierte Labels und Musikschaffende bekommen live Feedback von Branchenprofis auf ihren Webauftritt.
Gäste: Richtie Pettauer (, Daniela Terbu (Coolhunting/AT), Wolfgang Zeglovits (datenwerk/AT)
Moderation: Lisa Stadler (Der Standard/AT)
# 11 Digitales Marketing 1 (14.00-15.00)
Workshop wienXtra (German)
Das Album ist da – aber wie an Mann und Frau bringen? In dem Workshop erläutert Peter Balon, was in ein digitales Promotionkonzept für eine Albumveröffentlichung gehört, worauf es ankommt und wie man weiss ob es was bringt: Zieldefinition, Zielsetzung, Erfolgsmessung und laufende Optiminierung der Kampagne werden Themen sein. In diesem Teil 1 geht es um einen theoretischen Überblick und die Erarbeitung von Kriterien, nach denen man vorgehen kann. Konkrete Beispiele folgen in Teil 2.
Vortragender: Peter Balon (Netzonfire/AT)
Reception Poland & Austria (15.00-16.00)
Austria and Poland present themselves – showcases, drinks and fingerfood included.
Live: Paula & Karol (PL) & Violetta Parisini (AT)
#12 Music of Poland (16.00-16.45)
Panel (English)
Find out more about the rich and lively Polish music scene.
Speakers: Michal Hajduk (Adam Mickiewicz Institute/PL), Malgorzata Halber (Jounrnalist/PL), Jarek Szubrycht (T-Mobile Music/PL)
Host: Martin Riedl (The Gap/AT)
HOTEL STEFANIE (Konferenzsaal)
#13 David Gedges from The Wedding Present (16:00–16:30)
Talk Moritz Gayard (Electronic Beats/D) talks to David Gedges (The Wedding Present/UK) about his varied musical career from his own indie label success to equaling Elvis Presley’s singles chart record in the UK. [EN]
#14 Digitales Marketing 2 (16.00-17.00)
Workshop wienXtra (German)
Wie schaut ein digitales Promotionkonzept in der Praxis aus? Peter Balon stellt konkrete Beispiele und Zahlen vor. Darüber hinaus geht es im Teil 2 des Workshops um einen umfassenderen Blick – welche Bereiche der Musikwirtschaft (z.B. Booking, offline Promotion) spielen hier ebenso eine Rolle? Welche Tools, im konkreten v.a. online Musikservices, können sinnvoll eingesetzt werden?
Vortragender: Peter Balon (Netzonfire/AT)
#15 Feedback Listening Sessions Pop, Rock (16.30-18.00)
Workshop (English)
International Festival and Label Professionals give constructive feedback on fresh acts with international potential.
Acts to be reviewed: Cassious Clay (AT), Eloui (AT), FAMP (AT), Freytag (AT), Neonstream (AT), Paula & Karol (PL), Plus Guest (FR), Philipp Szalay (AT)
Speakers: Martin Elbourne (Great Escape/UK), Thomas Morr (Morr Music/D), Stefan Reichmann (Haldern Pop/D), Stephan Thanscheidt (Southside/Hurricane Festival/D), Thomas Zsifkovits (Nova Music/AT)
Host: James Minor (SXSW/US)
#16 The Polish Music Market (16.45.-17.30)
Panel (English)
Facts and figures about one of Eastern Europe’s key music business markets.
Speakers: Krzysztof Bialkowski (independent music marketing specialist/PL ), Paula Bialski (Musician/Paula & Karol/PL/CAN), Michal Brzozowski (1500m²/Roxy FM/PL), Arek Marczyński (Antena Krzyku/PL)
Host: Martin Riedl (The Gap/AT)
HOTEL STEFANIE (Konferenzsaal)
#17 Low-Budget vs. No-Budget Audioproduktionen (17.00-18.00)
Workshop SAE (German)
Warum eine No-Budget Audioproduktion unter Umständen teurer werden kann als eine Low-Budget Produktion.
Vortragender: Joshua Hercher (SAE/AT)
#18 How to Enter the Polish Market? (17.30-18.30)
Panel (English)
Learn from the experience of others how to get access to the Polish music market.
Speakers: Nick Hobbs (Charmenko/UK), Magdalena Jensen (European Music Fair/PL/US), Elke Kuhlen (2Bild/D), Mat Schulz (Unsound/PL), Ian Smith (Frusion/UK/AT)
Host: Martin Riedl (The Gap/AT)
HOTEL STEFANIE (Konferenzsaal)
#19 Digitale Distribution (18.00-18.30)
Panel Donau-Universität (German)
Unter dem Schlagwort “Digitale Distribution” wird eine Vielzahl verschiedener Geschäftsmodelle der Musikwirtschaft verstanden. In dieser Diskussion werden unterschiedliche Modelle vorgestellt und die Voraussetzung für einen erfolgreichen digitalen Vertrieb von Musik erörtert.
Speakers: Eva Maria Stöckler (Musicologist/Donau-Universität Krems/AT), Robert Klembas (REBEAT Digital GmbH/AT)
Friday, October 5th
#20 Connecting CEE & Austria (11.00-11.45)
Panel (English)
How can things improve between Austria and its Eastern neighbours, what’s happening already?
Speakers: Zebo Adam (Musician/AT), Tibor Holoda (Wilsonic/SK), Mateja Koren (Slovenian Music Week/SLO), Hanka Vojtechova (Indies Production/CZ)
Host: Tatjana Domany (OMF/AME/AT)
HOTEL STEFANIE (Konferenzsaal)
#21 Urheberrecht (11.00-12.00)
Panel (German)
Wie sehen Independent Artists und Labels diese zumeist ohne sie geführte Debatte? Wie wirkt sich die momentane Situation auf deren Leben aus? Speakers: Christof Ellinghaus (City Slang/D), Bernhard Fleischmann (Musician/AT), Bernhard Kern (Siluh Records/AT)
Host: Rainer Praschak (mica – music austria/AT)
# 22 Streaming Services – Satisfying Models for Artists and Labels? (11.45-12.30)
Panel (English)
Different models and future developments – do they involve a fair renumeration for artists and labels?
Speakers: Fadi Dorninger (Musician/Dorn/Wipeout/AT), Walter Gröbchen (moneky./AT), Dominik Schmid (Live-Beats/CH), + more tba
Host: Peter Jenner (Sincere Management/UK)
HOTEL STEFANIE (Konferenzsaal)
#23 Festivals in CEE (12.00-12.45)
Panel (English)
Four of the best Eastern European Festivals present themselves.
Guests: Tibor Holoda (Wilsonic/SK), Anna Kopaniarz (Tauron/PL), Mat Schulz (Unsound/PL), Alexey Shcherbina (Migz Festival/RUS)
Host: Mirko Whitfield (SXSW/US)
#24 Music of France (12.30-13.15)
Panel (English)
French music, meanwhile a worldwide quality trademark, at a glance.
Speaker: Emmanuel Legrand (Legrand Network/F)
Host: Daniel Winkel (Bureaux Export/F)
HOTEL STEFANIE (Konferenzsaal)
#25 CEETEP (12.45-13.30)
Panel (English)
First results and feedback on this program supporting the circulation of Eastern European artists within Europe.
Speakers: András Berta (Sziget Festival/HU), Ivan Milivojev (Exit/RS), Peter Smidt (Eurosonic/NL), Tomasz Szpaderski (Musician/Kamp!/PL)
Host: Thomas Heher (Waves Vienna/AT)
#26 The French Music Market (13.15-14.00)
Panel (English)
An insight into the characteristics of this major European market.
Speakers: Aziliz Benech (MaMa Event/FR), Guillaume Benfeghoul (Daka Tour/FR), Emmanuel Legrand (Legrand Network/FR), Daniel Winkel (Bureaux Export/FR)
Host: Stefan Niederwieser (The Gap/AT)
HOTEL STEFANIE (Konferenzsaal)
#27 Feedback Listening Session Elektronic, Hip Hop (13.30-15.00)
Workshop (English)
International Festival and Label Professionals give constructive feedback on fresh acts with international potential.
Acts to be reviewed: Bottled In England (DK), d!ese gute (AT), EsRap (AT), Konea Ra (AT), Skwerl (AT), Tombo (AT), WrongKong (D)
Speakers: Herwig Bauer (Poolbar/AT), Ralph Christoph (c/o pop/D), Anna Kopaniarz (Tauron/PL), Adam Ryan (Mean Fiddler Promoter/UK)
Host: Paul Cheetham (NMO (New Music Office)/SSC Management/D)
# 28 How to Enter the French Market (14.00-15.00)
Panel (English)
Learn from the experience of others how to get access to the French music market.
Speakers: Stef Coninx (Flanders Music Centre/B), Christof Ellinghaus (City Slang/D), Patrick Printz (Wallonie Bruxelles Musiques/B), Olivier Toth (Rockhal/LUX)
Host: Emmanuel Legrand (Legrand Network/F)
HOTEL STEFANIE (Konferenzsaal)
# 29 Visa and Permits Needed in Eastern Europe and China (14.00-15.00)
Panel (English)
Administrative needs, dealing with customs, tax and finance paperworks and some specific characteristics you should know when touring Eastern Europe and China.
Speakers: Philipp Grefer (FakeMusicMedia/CN/D), Nick Hobbs (Charmenko/UK), Alexey Shcherbina (Migz Festival/RUS)
Reception Luxembourg & Austria (15.00-16.00)
Austria and Luxembourg present themselves – showcases, drinks and fingerfood included.
Showcases: Inborn (LU) & Estebans (AT)
#30 Ebbot Lundberg from The Soundtrack of Our Lives (16.00-17.00)
Talk (English)
Our favorite Swedish rock act talks with Susi Ondrusova (FM4/AT) about a special band career.
HOTEL STEFANIE (Konferenzsaal)
# 31 Music Blogs (16.00-17.00)
Panel (English)
How to work best with blogs, is their significance rising or falling and how’s the situation in Eastern Europe?
Speakers: Astrid Exner (Walzerkönig/AT), Laura Gaetano (The 405/Art-Star/I/AT), Matthias Leihs (They Shoot Music Don’t They/AT), Edo Plovanic (
Host: Ralph Christoph (c/o pop/D)
#32 Low-Budget vs. No-Budget Videoproduktionen (16.00-17.00)
Workshop SAE (German)
Warum eine No-Budget Videoproduktion unter Umständen teurer warden kann als eine Low-Budget Produktion.
Vortragende: Deniz Blazeg (SAE/AT)
# 33 EU Kulturförderung: Tipps & Tricks (17.00-18.00)
Workshop (German)
Tipps & Tricks für Einreichungen und ein Ausblick auf das neue EU-Programm Kreatives Europa 2014-2020.
Vortragende: Elisabeth Pacher (Cultural Contact Point Austria Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur/AT)
#34 Veranstalten (17.00-18.00)
Workshop wienXtra (German)
Man muss nicht darauf warten, gebucht zu werden – selbst veranstalten geht auch. Aber wie? In dem Workshop gibt Simone Mathys-Parnreiter einen Überblick über die rechtlichen Vorgaben rund um Musikevents in Wien: von AKM über Genehmigungen bis Vergnügungssteuer.
Vortragende: Marko Markovic (wienXtra-jugendinfo /AT)
# 35 Waves Festival Feedback Session (17.00-18.00)
Panel (English)
Tell the festival director and the conference organizer what you honestly think about Waves Vienna – they really want to know.
Speakers: Thomas Heher (Waves Vienna/AT), Franz Hergovich (mica – music austria/AT)
HOTEL STEFANIE (Konferenzsaal)
Confirmed Speakers:
- Sebastian Adam (Musician/Russkaja/AT)
- Niko Alm (Super-Fi/AT)
- Peter Balon (netzonfire/AT)
- Guillaume Benfeghoul (Daka Tour/FR)
- Deniz Blazeg (SAE/AT)
- Michal Brzozowski (1500m²/Roxy FM/PL)
- Paul Cheetham (NMO (New Music Office)/SSC Management/D)
- Ralph Christoph (c/o pop/D)
- Stef Coninx (Flanders Music Centre/B)
- Ilias Dahimène (Seayou Records/AT)
- Paul Debnam (PSI Music/AT)
- Dave Dempsey (FM4/AT)
- Dietmar Dokalik (Musician/Judge/Ministry of Justice/AT)
- Tatjana Domany (Austrian Music Export/AT)
- Fadi Dorninger (Musiker/Dorn/Wipeout/AT)
- Martin Elbourne (Great Escape/UK)
- Christof Ellinghaus (City Slang/D)
- Astrid Exner (Walzerkönig/AT)
- Bernhard Fleischmann (Morr Music/AT)
- Moritz Gayard (Electronic Beats/D)
- David Gedges (Wedding Present/UK)
- Philipp Grefer FakeMusicMedia (CN/D)
- Walter Gröbchen (monkey music/AT)
- Jamal Hachem (Affine Records/AT)
- Michal Hajduk (IAM/PL)
- Malgorzata Halber (Jounrnalist/PL)
- Thomas Heher (Waves Vienna/AT)
- Joshua Hercher (SAE/AT)
- Franz Hergovich (mica – music austria/AT)
- Nick Hobbs (Charmenko/UK)
- Tibor Holoda (Wilsonic/SK)
- Lisa Humann (Swimming Pool/AT)
- Peter Jenner (Sincere Management/UK)
- Magdalena Jensen (European Music Fair/PL/US)
- Bernd Jungmair (Cosmix/AT)
- Bernhard Kern (Siluh Records/AT)
- Mateja Koren (Slovenian Music Week/SLO)
- Elke Kuhlen (2Bild/D)
- Klaus Kühnhammer(ntry/AT)
- Fernando Ladeiro-Marques (Le Printems de Bourges/FR)
- Emmanuel Legrand (Legrand Network/FR)
- Matthias Leihs (They Shoot Music Don’t They/AT)
- Ebbot Lundberg (The Soundtrack of Our Lives/S)
- Arek Marczyński (Antena Krzyku/PL)
- Cécile Martin (Les Editions Greencopper/FR)
- Simone Mathys-Parnreiter (wienXtra-soundbase/AT)
- Maximilian Meindl (Houztekk Records/AT)
- Ivan Milivojev (Exit/RS)
- James Minor (SXSW/US)
- Thomas Morr (Morr Music/D)
- Susi Ondrusova (FM4/AT)
- Elisabeth Pacher ((Cultural Contact Point Austria Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur/AT)
- Richtie Pettauer (
- Edo Plovanic (
- Rainer Praschak (mica – music austria/AT)
- Patrick Printz (Wallonie Bruxelles Musiques/B)
- Stefan Reichmann (Haldern Pop/D)
- Dominik Schmid (Live-Beats/CH)
- Wolfgang Schlögl (Musiker/I-Wolf/Sofa Surfers/AT)
- Matt Schulz (Unsound/PL)
- Alexey Shcherbina (Migz Festival/RUS)
- Peter Smidt (Eurosonic/NL)
- Babsi Steiner (Ink Music/AT)
- Tomasz Szpaderski (Musician/Kamp!/PL)
- Jarek Szubrycht (Electronic Beats Festival/Trzecie Ucho/PL)
- Stephan Thanscheid (Southside/Hurricane Festival/D)
- Hannes Tschürtz (Ink Music/ntry/AT)
- Hanka Vojtechova (Indies Production/CZ)
- Verus von Plotho (Deezer/D)
- Mirko Whitfield (SXSW/US)
- Daniel Winkel (bureau export/FR)
- Benjamin-Zsolt Zombori (Bensh/AT)
- Thomas Zsifkovits (Nova Music/AT)