Vienna Music Business Research Days 2020

image (c) Pixabay
image (c) Pixabay

The Vienna Music Business Research Days want to bring together scholars from all disciplines and interested music business professionals in Vienna every year in order to present their findings and exchange ideas about it.

Music business research is a new scientific approach at the intersection of economic, artistic, especially musical, cultural, social, legal, technological developments that aims at a better understanding of the creation/production, dissemination/distribution and reception/consumption of the cultural good music. It follows an inter-disciplinary research and teaching approach that is characterized by methodological diversity.

The 11th Vienna Music Business Research Days will be held from September 21 to 23, 2020 as an online conference only.

11th vienna music business research days on “emerging music markets”

September 21:
Young Scholars’ Workshop (closed workshop event)

September 22: Conference Track Day 

Final papers should be sent before August 31, 2020. They should not exceed 7,000 words (including abstracts, figures, tables, references and appendices) and follow the author guidelines of the International Journal of Music Business Research (IJMBR). You may also want to consider publication in IJMBR after the conference.

September 23: Invited Conference Day  

09:00-09:15: WELCOME

09:15-10:00: Keynote by Hyunjoon Shin (Sungkonghoe University, Seoul, South Korea, invited) on “The music market in South Korea”

10:00-10:15: Coffee break

10:15-11:00: Keynote by Philipp Grefer (Fake Music Media, Peking, China, invited) on “The music market in China”

11:00-11:15: Coffee break

11:15-12:00: Keynote by Achill Forler (Silk Road Communications, Mumbai, India, confirmed) on “The music market in India”

12:00-13:00: Panel discussion on “Emerging Music Markets in Asia” with Hyunjoon Shin (Sungkonghoe University, Seoul, South Korea),  Philipp Grefer (Fake Music Media, Peking, China), Achill Forler (Silk Road Communications, Mumbai, India)

13:00-14:00: Lunch break

14:00-15:00: Short presentations on “Emerging Eastern European Music Markets” Carina Sava (Raw Music, Bucharest, Romania, confirmed) on the          Romanian music market, Ania Kasparek (Chimes Agency, Poland, confirmed) on the Polish music market, Dartsya Tarkovska (Music Export Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, invited) on the Ukrainian music market

15:00-16:00: Panel discussion on “Emerging Music Markets in Eastern Europe” with Carina Sava (Raw Music, Bucharest, Romania), Ania Kasparek
(Chimes Agency, Poland), Dartsya Tarkovska (Music Export Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine)

16:00: Awarding the young scholars’ workshop best paper

Important dates

August 31 – Submission deadline for full papers
September 22 – Conference day (paper sessions)
September 23 – Conference day for invited speakers on “Emerging Music Markets”

For students at all levels of the MA & PhD a doctoral colloquium (Young Scholars’ Workshop) will be held as part of the 11th Vienna Music Business Research Days on September 21, 2020. Find a separate call for papers here.

Registration Fee

No registration fee for the online conference from September 22-23.


Slavomira Martiskova (mailto:
Department of Cultural Management and Gender Studies (IKM)
University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43-1-71155-3418  /  Fax: +43-1-71155-3499


The Vienna Music Business Research Days want to bring together scholars from all disciplines and interested music business professionals in Vienna every year in order to present their findings and exchange ideas about it. Music business research is a new scientific approach at the intersection of economic, artistic, especially musical, cultural, social, legal, technological developments that aims at a better understanding of the creation/production, dissemination/distribution and reception/consumption of the cultural good music. It follows an inter-disciplinary research and teaching approach that is characterized by methodological diversity.


Vienna Music Business Research Days (Website)
Vienna Music Business Research Days (Facebook)