“The Future of Music Licensing”

The 4th Vienna Music Business Research Days – taking place at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna from June 20-21, 2013 – are discussing the “Future of Music Licensing” from several perspectives. In the course of the digital paradigm shift in the music industry the trade of copyright and related rights has gained high relevance for commercializing and distributing music. The ongoing process of digitization does not only challenge the value-added network of music publishers, labels and collecting societies, but put also existing copyright regimes in question. Thus, international experts will present and discuss current findings on the role of traditonal players in licensing music rights, and reflect new forms of digital music licensing such as creative commons licenses.

Date: June 20-21, 2013

Location: Joseph Haydn-Hall,
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Anton von Webern Platz 1, 1030 Vienna

admission free, but please register under music.business.research@gmail.com

Program on June 20, 2013

09.00-18.00: Young Scholars’ Workshop on music business research (closed event) with presenters from Austria, China, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Palestine, Portugal, South Africa chaired by extinguished academics in music business research.
19.30-21.30: Discussion on “How Creative Is Creative Commons Licensing?“ with Meik Michalke (Cultural Commons Collecting Society – C3S) and Alexander Wolf (GEMA and CELAS)

Program on June 21, 2013

09.00-09.15: Welcome and opening address
09.15-10.00: Roya Ghafele, University of Edinburgh and Oxfirst Ltd., United Kingdom: “Counting the Costs of Collective Rights Management“
10.00-10.45: Liane Wildpanner, EU Commission, DG Internal Market and Services, Directorate D – Intellectual Property: “The Proposal of the EU-Commission for a Directive on Collecting Societies”
11.15-12.00: Adolf Dietz, Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Germany: “The Proposal of the EU-Commission for a Directive on Collecting Societies and Cultural Diversity – a Missed Opportunity?”
14.00-14.45: Jim Griffin, OneHouse LLC, USA: “Unenumerated Rights, Unrespected Rights”
15.00-15.45: P. Bernt Hugenholtz, Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands: “A Digital Copyright for a Digital Society”
16.00-17.30: Panel discussion: “A Digital Copyright for a Digital Society”
Panelists: Eva Lichtenberger (Member of the European Parliament for the Green Party), Jim Griffin, (OneHouse LLC, USA), P. Bernt Hugenholtz, Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam conducted by Peter Jenner (Sincere Management and Secretary General of the International Music Managers’ Forum, United Kingdom)
17.45-18.00: Young Scholars’ Workshop Best Paper Award

Organized by:
Institute for Arts Management and Cultural Studies (IKM) and the Institute of Music Sociology (IMS) at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, School of Journalism and Communication Research (IJK) at the University of Music, Drama and Media Hannover and International Society for Music Economics Research

Supported by:
departure, University Course for Culture Management (IKM), Austrian Composers’ Society
