New Album: Valina – Container

Six years have passed since Valina‘s last output and one may have wondered whether this would be the last album of the band. As it turns out, this train of thought was wrong. The new album “Container”, released in April 2014 on Trost Records, finds the band on solid indie rock ground and at ease with an evolving sound that defies categorisation. With an unprecedented new level of energy, their new songs immediately catch the ear and stick with the listener. To present the album live, Valina will take to the road on a concert tour through Central Europe.


Based in Upper Austria, the three heads of Valina, Anatol Bogendorfer (guitar, vocals), Anselm Dürrschmid (drums) and Florian Husbert Huber (bass), have succeeded in transcending boundaries and realising their own unmistakable sound. It is a periphery of a wide stylistic range, including lots of rock and punk, a little bit of noise, some hardcore and a few pop elements. Not that no other band has fished in the same waters, but Valina’s tendency and desire to experiment adds to the feat of merging all of these influences and elements into a powerful and vivid hybrid.

Recorded with the American producer legend Steve Albini (“In Utero” by Nirvana), the songs thrive from controversies – loud and quiet, hard and soft, sometimes moving forward with tenacious commitment, then again laid back with an almost progressive rock feel. Something is always happening to keep the ear entertained and lead it to its next sonic thrill ride.

With “Container” Anatol Bogendorfer, Anselm Dürrschmid and Florian Husbert Huber have proven that they can still set their own rock world on fire with tremendous songs. A comeback album at its musical best.


Text: Michael Ternai
(translated from German)
Photo: zoe Fotografie