TonBild 2011: Winners Announced

To be quite honest, we were not expecting so many entries.  More than 70 artists submitted their audiovisual works to the first competition Tonbild 2011, organized by mica – music austria. The terms for the competition were the submission of videos from the year 2011 with a maximum length of 15 minutes, while the music had to come from persons who are either Austrians or have their life centered in Austria. There were no restrictions to the musical genre or content. Across the board the submitted experimental visualizations as well as classic music videos were of a truly remarkable quality. In this sense, choosing the best 5 videos was surely not an easy task for the jury, consisting of Eva Fischer (sound: frame), Michaela Grill (sixpackfilm), Matthias Leihs (They Shoot Music, Don`t They) and Barbara Pichler (Diagonale). Nevertheless, the decision has been made.
mica – music austria congratulates all winners!

The five winners are:

  • I Am Cereals / Ben Martin (Galaxy)
  • Heinz Riegler (Motion Portrait # 1)
  • Josef Novotny (The Novotnyorgel)
  • Texta / Luzi Katamay (Die Dramaturgie der Ereignisse)
  • Harry Jen / Bernhard Schabmayr (meow)


I am Cereals / Ben Martin – Galaxy

Heinz Riegler – Motion Portrait #1

Motion Portrait #1 (HD/mastered audio version) from Heinz Riegler on Vimeo

Josef Novotny – Die Novotnyorgel

Die Novotnyorgel from Josef Novotny on Vimeo.

Texta / Luzi Katamay – Die Dramaturgie der Ereignisse

Harry Jen / Bernhard Schabmayr – meow