The Orgelbüchlein Project: Thomas Daniel Schlee

Spitalfields Winter Festival

Date: Saturday 8 December 2012, 7.00pm
Venue: The Chapel Royal of St Peter and Vincula, Tower of London, London

The Orgelbüchlein Project is a longterm project to complete the unfinished portion of J. S. Bach’s collection known as Orgelbüchlein (Little Organ Book).

The project was conceived by the organist William Whitehead, and involves collaboration from major European composers. Its objective is the publication and recording of a complete version of J.S. Bach’s Orgelbüchlein, thus presenting a twenty-first century act of homage to Bach.

This concert will present a composition by Austrian composer Thomas Daniel Schlee, director of the Carinthian Summer Festival. Alongside Schlee’s work other contemporary compositions as well as organ works by J. S. Bach will be performed.

For more information please visit: