
Wandl by Simone Cihlar

The versatile artist and producer Lukas Wandl from Vienna is not easy to define: He is a rap producer as well as a jazzy multi-instrumentalist and experimental R&B singer. He first attracted attention with tracks for artists like Young Krillin and Eloquent … read more »


MENT, the Slovenian music showcase festival and conference in Ljubljana, brings together music, art, creativity and media technology. The three-day event (31 January – 2 February) takes full advantage of its geo-strategic position, showing pride in its small, yet unique, vibrant and diverse … read more »

Austrian Heartbeats at Linecheck Festival Milan

In November 2017, Austrian Music Export will be continuing a series of Austrian networking and showcase events in the Czech Republic (Nouvelle Prague) and Italy (Linecheck Festival/Milan Music Week), this year´s focus countries. Both festivals will feature a networking and showcase event … read more »