oenm (Österreichisches Ensemble für Neue Musik)

oenm (c) Markus Sepperer

The oenm (oesterreichisches ensemble für neue musik) has been around for 40 years and established itself as one of the leading ensembles for music of the 20th and 21st centuries. From its home base in Salzburg, it gathers top musicians from eleven … read more »

Contemporary Music Ensembles in Austria

Over the past two decades, contemporary music in Austrian concert halls has been subject to a partly abrupt, partly slow-moving change in the programming of large Austrian orchestras. As a consequence, medium-sized and smaller ensembles have become all the more significant in … read more »

œnm Concerts in London

Since 1975 the œnm  . österreichisches ensemble für neue musik (Austrian Ensemble for New Music) has been making sure that the range of music in the Mozart city of Salzburg and elsewhere is enriched with various facets of new music and continues … read more »