Klangforum Wien: Symposion

Symposion © netzzeit

Symposion. An Intoxication in Eight Divisions: Slowly and gracefully the ancients in antiquity got drunk. Klangforum Wien first premiered with Symposium in 2001 which is still present on international programmes. The basic idea of the Symposia was that wine, a gift of … read more »

Klangforum Wien

Klangforum Wien by Tina Herzl

Klangforum Wien has a well-deserved reputation as Austria’s flagship contemporary music ensemble. The 24 musicians from 12 countries are constantly exploring new horizons of artistic creativity together with the most important composers of our time. Open-minded, virtuosic in performance and aurally perceptive, … read more »

Contemporary Music Ensembles in Austria

Over the past two decades, contemporary music in Austrian concert halls has been subject to a partly abrupt, partly slow-moving change in the programming of large Austrian orchestras. As a consequence, medium-sized and smaller ensembles have become all the more significant in … read more »