“‘Jasmine’ is a kind of meditation, dealing with the unpredictability, uncertainty and impermanence of life, but seeing beauty in that as well” – Don’t Go

Picture of Don't Go

Nina Jukić (vocals, piano, synthesizer) and Alexander Forstner (drums, guitar), aka DON’T GO, have played many concerts already, but only released their debut album “Jasmine” (Seayou Records) in May 2021. Definitely worth the wait, though: “Jasmine” combines experimental electro-pop sounds, Nina’s atmospheric … read more »

Austrian Music Highlights #7

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This spring, the weather has been much like the music scene. One minute sunny, the next rainy. Hot, then cold. Events planned, events cancelled. When will the surprises end? While no one is holding their breath, the rising temperatures and doses of … read more »

Don’t Go

Don't Go (c) Gabriel Hyden

DON’T GO are Nina Jukić and Alexander Forstner, an Austro-Croatian duo, wife and husband, andartistic partners. Don’t Go are on a quest for the real, the dark and the beautiful, for that which lies beyond shallow conventions. At concerts, they impress with … read more »