Artists To Watch: Leyya

There is no doubt about it, Austria’s got talent. Our mountainous country has secretly blossomed into a superb reservoir of refreshing and talented musical acts that are becoming more and more recognized on the global music map. Now adding to the list … read more »

Artists To Watch: Wanda

Recently still considered as a music insider tip, the five guys from Wanda quickly surpassed this status and are currently celebrated by fans and critics across the German speaking realm. Shortly after signing with the record label Problembär Records last year, they … read more »

Artists To Watch: We Walk Walls

We Walk Walls may still be an unknown name to some, but to many attentive listeners of the popular, alternative Austrian radio station FM4 and its “Artist Of The Week” feature, the four-membered band from Vienna is already a household name. Melding … read more »

Artists to Watch: FlicFlac

FlicFlac is a fairly new Austrian producer duo whose songs and edits have already been heard by tens of millions on Youtube and Soundcloud. Our friends at mica – music austria used the opportunity to speak with one half the duo, Max … read more »