Angélica Castelló

photo of Angélica Castelló @ Rania Moslam

Her sound work and compositions concentrates on fragility, dreamworld and the subconscious. She performs continuously solo or in cooperations everywhere between Mexico City and Vienna. Castelló has made numerous compositions for ensembles, radio works as well as installations that operate at the … read more »

Portrait: Angelica Castello

There are things that grow ever larger and the eventually break out of their confines and reach a point where a new perspective is necessary. It is exactly at this point that the composer and flutist Angelica Castello has found herself, with … read more »

Electronic Music in Austria

Although sound installations in Austria are rather sparse, the scene rather small, electronic music plays an important role in the 21st Century. And this both in the fields of experimental music and “traditional” electronic or electro-acoustic compositions. Although it took quite some … read more »