Have Your Say! Survey of Cultural Sector Working Conditions

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(c) pixabay

Are you satisfied with your situation as an artist or cultural worker? Have you experienced problems with social security, taxes, cross-border travel or other matters? Culture Action Europe is conducting a survey to evaluate the status and working conditions of artists and cultural professionals throughout Europe.

People working in the culture and creative sector (CCS) face special challenges: their atypical working patterns can lead to irregular income, insufficient social security, and a lack of decent working conditions, leaving them open to abusive subcontracting, fake self-employment, unpaid or underpaid work, and unfair buy-outs.

At the transnational level, work in the sector is often characterized by a high degree of cross-border travel – with no easy way to take your social security entitlements with you, Byzantine tax arrangements, and differing national social systems, national definitions of artists, and other rules. And now, new digital technologies – such as generative AI – are adding yet another category of challenges to those already existing.

The European Parliament recently proposed an EU framework to improve living and working conditions for artists and creative workers. To provide input in this process, Culture Action Europe has developed a survey inviting artists, cultural and creative professionals, and cultural organisations to share their experience regarding working conditions in the sector.

How to participate

The survey is open to individuals working in the creative and cultural sector, but also to cultural organizations and institutions both private and public. The survey is expected to take 5 – 10 minutes to complete and is open until February 9th. Got concerns? Now’s the time to make them heard!