SUENA FESTIVAL: Call for Scores

poster for Suena Festival 2022
(c) Suena Festival 2022

The SUENA FESTIVAL for contemporary Hispanic music in Vienna will celebrate its first edition from May 10 to 12, 2022. The title of the premiere edition is “Identity”. The festival focuses on promoting international cultural cooperation and relations between Austria, Spain and Latin America. Deadline to apply is: April 24, 2022.

The festival will also feature master classes and readings for composition students on May 9. These will be supervised by the musicians of ensemble N as well as by the composer and 2020 Vienna Prize winner Jorge Sánchez-Chiong. Among other things, questions regarding playing techniques/possibilities, notation and instrumentation will be discussed. In this context, the festival has launched a call for scores.


  • Works, sketches and/or parts of a work may be submitted.
  • The following instruments are available: Flute/Bass Flute, Clarinet/Bass Clarinet, Piano and Violin, although not all of the above instruments should be included.
  • Small-scale works, such as solo, duo, and trio, are welcome to be submitted.
  • Scores and parts must be legible, preferably created with a music notation program, and sent along with a curriculum vitae as a PDF file to no later than April 24, 2022. The composers selected by ensemble N and Jorge Sánchez-Chiong will be notified individually by e-mail by May 1, as well as announced on the Suena Festival website.
  • There is no participation fee. Participants are not entitled to any compensation for travel and accommodation expenses incurred on this occasion.

The readings will take place on May 9 between 9 am and 12 pm and between 6 pm and 8 pm at the Instituto Cervantes Vienna, which is located on the 2nd floor of the Palais Wiener von Welten at Schwarzenbergplatz 2.

The festival program can be found here.