Stefan Sterzinger

Fortunately they still exist. Artists, who position themselves as true free spirits, who don’t feel the need to look to the left and the right, who pull through without the ifs and buts, who don’t care about the expectations and opinions of others, who have withdrawn themselves from any attempts of categorization and who know how to bring their unique and individual creations to the next level. One of these lateral thinkers is Stefan Sterzinger. The Viennese singer and accordionist does not want to constantly repeat himself and always strives to reach new shores, in order to avoid the risk of losing himself in randomness. The feisty Viennese enjoys his role as the everlasting underground legend and knows how bring this across in the most authentic way. Stefan Sterzinger is probably one of the last remaining charismatic punks of the local music scene, at least in spirit.

Looking back at Stefan Sterzinger’s career, it instantly becomes clear that this is a musician who feels at home in a variety of sonic environments. The accordionist does not think of sticking to one single style and enjoys the privilege of just doing he wants to do. Why should he restrict himself in any way? His highly original musical language and the ability to tell exciting sound stories work in various musical contexts: performing as a great entertainer, a traditional Viennese musician, a border crossing world musician, or simply a typical rock’n’roller.

The accordionist likes to experiment with the unexpected. Driven by an almost irrepressible curiosity and great love for different styles, the multi-faceted and extremely versatile 53-year-old Viennese singer with the sharp and ironic lyrics likes to take on ever-changing musical challenges.

Sterzinger Experience – Folsom Prison Blues by mica

Among other occasions, the charismatic musician memorably called attention to himself at the “1st Fürther Alpenpunk-Festival Fürth/Franken” at Café Duke, where he presented himself as a border crosser between different styles and resulted in big storms of enthusiasm in the audience. The project “Matrosen”, which was performed daily in the course of the Viennese Serapionstheater’s festival production “anima” also caused a great stir in 1986.

In the same year he started the today legendary combo Franz Franz & The Melody Boys. Together with his former comrades Heinz Ditsch and Vincenz Wizlsperger (both now in the band Kollegium Kalksburg), the accordionist delivered impressive and refreshing evidence that brass music works very well in a modern and style crossing context. No less impressive is also the subsequent project Electric Sterzinger, as an example of the high art of crossover.

The latest example of his immense musical understanding is the creativity with his current band “Sterzinger Experience”. On the recently released CD “Rock ‘n’ Roll”, the accordionist frees himself of all apparent barriers of styles and creates an overall complex and multifaceted sound, ranging from Viennese folk music, pop, country and blues to jazz. It is particularly impressive with what effortlessness the musician combines sophistication with catchy melodies and tradition with modern music, music that works just as well in a tavern as in a club. 

Those who do not know Stefan Sterzinger and his history would be inclined to say that this artist has arrived the peak of his musical career with his new work. But those are probably wrong. One has to understand every single project of this versatile and charismatic musical personality as a kind of snapshot of the momentary artistic position, which of course complicates the outlook on future events. It is almost impossible to predict what Stefan Sterzinger will do next. But one thing seems to be fairly certain: the musician will still frequently surprise his fans, no matter in what constellation, context or direction.

Michael Ternai
translated from the German by Doris Miyung Brady