Standing with Ukraine – Resources For Support

Ukrainian flag by nati / pexels
(c) nati / pexels

It’s clear what the number one thing to do right now to help Ukraine is: STOP THE WAR. Second up: supply the basics – food, water, shelter, safe travel, immigration services, financial and emotional support, etc. There is no illusion that cultural and music-based support comes anywhere close to aiding the cause of restoring humanity and infrastructure, or meeting basic needs.

But ON TOP of that, in the spirit of helping in every and any way possible, the following is a non-comprehensive, ever-growing compilation of suggested practices and resources for support of Ukrainians, and, specifically, Ukrainian musicians and artists, given the current tragic state of affairs.



  • Stay updated with what is going on, and encourage others to do the same and be mindful to not spread misinformation and fake news – verify your sources!
  • Be respectful and engage with others with tact, empathy and sensitivity. 
  • Fight off the news fatigue! Keep at it!



  • Put pressure on your governments. Get in touch with your local government representatives, councillors, parliamentary members and put pressure on your government to intervene
  • Join protests for a call to collective action
  • Media attention matters!
Berlin Protest against war in Ukrainian (c) Sean Gallup / Getty Images
Berlin Demonstration against war in Ukraine (c) Sean Gallup / Getty Images

Support marginalised communities

There are communities who are currently facing further hostility, such as LGBTQI+, women, Black and other non-white students. 

Open up your home

Do you have space to host refugees? We encourage you to get in touch with your local refugee centres to see how you can help – whether it’s opening up your home or volunteer for other practical support.


Hire refugees


Finding a safe refuge

For refugees looking for a host:


European institutions & agencies

European networks in the cultural sector

Arts & Culture Responses and Resources

AUSTRIAN INITIATIVE: »Office Ukraine. Shelter for Ukrainian Artists«


Office Ukraine provides assistance to people from the cultural environment of Ukraine who are looking for help – both online and on-site as a mediation and coordination center. The platform connects the cultural workers from Ukraine with institutions, individuals and initiatives in Austria who are willing to support them in crisis situations.

On the one hand, »Office Ukraine. Shelter for Ukrainian Artists« is aimed at all Austrian people and institutions who want to provide work, accommodation and project opportunities for cultural workers who have fled Ukraine, while the Office offers help mediating them. On the other hand, the Austrian art and cultural landscape is encouraged to increasingly involve Ukrainian artists and cultural workers – both refugees and those who have remained in the country – through the awarding of exhibition participations, commissions for works, texts, concerts, invitations to competitions, etc.

How it works:

Office Ukraine functions as a networking platform both online and at its offices in Vienna (, Graz (rotor) and Innsbruck (Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen). Its primary function is to support Ukrainian Artists in Austria who have fled the war. It does so by providing them with information and contacts about individuals, organizations and initiatives in the cultural sector who are willing to help with accommodation, services, facilities and / or other donations. You can contact the Office Ukraine either by Email (Office Ukraine Vienna:; Office Ukraine Graz:; Office Ukraine Innsbruck: or by using the forms on the Office’s website. If you want to visit us, please make an appointment via Email to make sure that somebody is available.

Individuals willing to help should submit offers for assistance, accommodation, or services via webforms:

I can provide services for artists

I can provide housing

Ukrainian Artists can contact the Office via this form:

I need support

Austrian Federal Ministry – Special Funding for Ukrainian Artists

Special Funding from the Federal Ministry of Austria for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport (BMKÖS)

The funding of the BMKÖS is intended to provide quick and targeted support to Ukrainian artists who have fled their country by providing financial means in the form of work stipends as well as project funding, thus ensuring that they can work and live safely in Austria. In particular, a framework for networking and exchange with the art and cultural scene in Austria is to be created.

Funding will be provided for:

  • Grants (€ 1.400 per month per artist for 3 months)
  • Projects (maximum € 5,000 per project; no infrastructure or rental costs can be funded).

Eligible applicants are:

  • Individuals and cultural institutions in Austria from all artistic disciplines who support artists who have fled Ukraine or who jointly develop projects.
  • Artists who have fled Ukraine.
  • Individuals and cultural institutions in Austria from all artistic disciplines who are implementing artistic projects in Ukraine.

Funding procedure:

  • The applicant or cultural institution confirms in the grant application that the funds received will be used exclusively for artists who have fled Ukraine.
  • Completed and signed grant application (PDF, 232 KB) including enclosures is obligatory (enclosures: portfolio, CV, budget, schedule, possible project description).
  • All documents (enclosures also possible in English) must be sent by e-mail to
  • The applications will be evaluated by a specially appointed jury.
  • Submissions will be processed on an ongoing basis.
  • Projects or plans that are part of annual programs or projects that have already been funded projects are not eligible for additional funding.

Playlists & Music

Not only does music have the power to move – on both an individual and societal level, it also has the power to put money in people’s pockets! Don’t just stream… purchase! Best way is through the artist directly. But don’t forget other kinds of deals like Bandcamp Fridays… In a nutshell: get involved in ways to support Ukrainian artists!

And, if you are in the music industry and have the power to program or book Ukrainians in your venue, festival or project, go for it! Get creative in finding ways to support Ukrainian artists!


Benefit Concerts in Austria – continually updated

IMZ list of worldwide benefit events – continually updated

Ukraine Fundraisers – benefit concerts held worldwide

photo of we stand with ukraine benefit concert
We Stand with Ukraine Benefit Concert at Ernst-Happel-Stadium, Vienna 2022 (c)

There is plenty more to do, say and find. Please email for suggestions of more resources. Thank you!

A special thanks to Keychange and Music Export Ukraine for setting the groundwork and providing a foundation of resources for this list. Check both their websites for information and updates!