Soundings 2011 – Looking back, looking forward

Soundings, the ACF’s platform for new music in its 8th year welcomes back previous participants now among the most highly acclaimed and commissioned composers of their generation for four days of workshops discussions and concerts. The event takes place at the Austrian Cultural Forum London from Tuesday 10 to Friday 13 May 2011.

This year’s composers are Reinhard Fuchs, Johannes Maria Staud, Joanna Wozny from Austria and Ed Bennett, Joe Cutler, Emily Howard, from the UK. The internationally acclaimed musicians performing the works include the Fidelio Trio (Darragh Morgan, Robin Michael and Mary Dullea), Loré Lixenberg (voice), Rowland Sutherland (flute), Tom Lessels (clarinet) and Adam Clifford (percussion), all closely associated with Soundings since its inception.

In conversation with the writer and critic Annette Morreau Soundings participants will examine how the composing and musical lives of these now well established composers have progressed and what relevant changes, if any, have taken place in both the Austrian and the British contemporary music scenes.

A round table discussion with Matthias Lošek (Artistic Director Wien Modern), Andrew Burke (Chief Executive London Sinfonietta), Clark Rundell (Director of Contemporary Music and Head of Conducting at the RNCM & Artistic Director of Ensemble 10/10), Andrew Kurowski (Executive Producer for New Music BBC), will give the composers and artists a unique chance to question and discuss the many aspects of new music.