Sound Park Austria: SPA X – Music to Picture

The tradition of bringing music together with the moving image goes back to the era of silent movies, when scores would be improvised in realtime by pianists in the playhouse. Over the past hundred years this relationship has undergone several transformations: from pre-recorded film scores to multimedia installations and invisible cinema concepts to the point where most music performances today involve a visual component. From club nights to stage performances to music videos, these two art forms are increasingly experienced together. A transition has thus occurred from music as accompaniment to the visualization of music. SPA: Thursday 9 February 2012, 7.30pm / The Forge

For the tenth SPA concert two sets of musicians and visual artists will continue this creative exchange. Throughout the performance music and visuals will engage in a creative dialogue.

For one, techno poet Zanshin and London-based Austrian visual lyricists Luma.Launisch joined by instrumentalist Stefan Fraunberger will collaborate on a colorful exploration of music and visuals. See their work here: “Who are you? Said the Caterpillar”

In addition London based Austrian performer Vinzenz Stergin will present new songs out of his work cycle ‘Short Walks On Long Beaches’ in the course of this encounter.  He will be joined by Leslie Townsend – violin, James Greenfield – cello, Nora Jenewein – percussion and Jason Wilkinson – actor, blue balloon.

The Forge
3-7 Delancey Street
London, NW1 7NL
T 020 7 383 7808

Tickets at the door £10
£8 ACF discount & concessions
£9/£7 in advance online