Showroom of Contemporary Sound Zagreb

Showroom of Contemporary Sound, Zagreb/HR
May 06 – 09, 2015

Showroom of Contemporary Sound (Izlog Suvremenog Zvuka) is an international festival that provides a platform where contemporary artists can showcase their work and increase opportunities to connect and share their experiences with fellow musicians. Taking place from May 6 – 9 in Zagreb, the third edition of the festival is supported by the Austrian Music Export and highlights contemporary music from Austria.

The festival program is a synthesis of new tendencies and developments in the artisitic and technical spheres of contemporary music. The showroom is therefore literally not only a place for concert performances, but also gives room for lectures, audiovisual projects, artist talks, and the chance to exchange work practices, researches, and insights on acoustic experiments.



The composer and sound artist Gerriet K. Sharma will perform his composition for the IEM icosahedral speaker, a new musical instrument he designed with the help of Franz Zotter and other sound engineers at the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics of the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz. Marko Ciciliani, who teaches at this institute, will be honored with a special portrait concert. Lectures by Gerriet K. Sharma and Marko Ciciliani will provide complementary insights into their artistic work. Together with Barbara Lüneburg, Marko Ciciliani will present own compositions, such as Homo Ludens for a dancer with a motion sensor, string quartet and a computer game. In her solo concert, the extremely versatile violinist and violist Barbara Lüneburg will not only perform her own works, but also compositions by Alexander Schubert and Yannis Kyriakides.

Together with Arnold Marinissen, the Austrian cellist Katharina Gross will present works from her Cello Songbook and from the series cellomondo. In an artist talk, both musicians will share their thoughts on the connection of the 200 year old cello with the electronic means of today. With the series cellomondo, Katharina Gross set herself the ambitious goal of selecting a composition teacher and student from each country in the world to appoint them with a composition commission – some of these first works will be presented. Alexander Chernyshkov in not only active as a composer, but also works as a performer and improviser and builds his own instruments. In addition to a world premiere, he will introduce some of his previous works, including a composition for a wooden table.

A special highlight of the program is the presentation of the new CD Austrian Heartbeats #2 curated by the renowned Austrian composer Georg Friedrich Haas. Initiated by the record label col legno and the Austrian music information center mica – music austria, the handpicked compositions on the compilation display the work of the young Austrian composers Marco Döttlinger, Peter Jakober, Hannes Kerschbaumer and Manuela Meier. To feature the new CD, Hannes Kerschbaumer will explain his compositional approach in an artist talk and Katharina Gross will perform Marco Döttlinger’s interieur.
