Apply For A Showcase At jazzahead! 2015

Over the past 10 years, jazzahead! has grown into one of the most important international jazz trade shows and international B2B networking spaces for the jazz community. For this year, jazzahead!’s featured partner country will be France.

The 10th edition of jazzahead! will take place from the 23rd – 26th of April 2015 in Bremen, Germany. An important part of the festival are the showcases – find out everything you need to know about jazzahead! and its showcases at and

Want to apply for a showcase? Here’s how it works:


Showcase proposals make sense if your band…

  • already has a certain level of recognition
  • has enough live experience
  • is supported by a professional environment: artists without the support of an agency, label or management have a hard time getting something sustainable out of the performance and bringing the right people to the concert.
  • is ready for export: bands that have (almost) never performed internationally and do not already have existing international partners (eg. in the areas of distribution, promotion agency, booking, etc.) should not perform at international showcases.

Precondition for applying for a showcase slot is that the band/artist is proposed by a registered (co-)exhibitor of jazzahead! 2015. Of course, bands/artists can register as (co-)exhibitors themselves as well (e.g. with an umbrella stand). An international jury of experts will then review all applications and select which of the proposed bands/artists will get one of the showcase slots.

As every year, there will be an Austrian booth at the jazzahead!. It is probably the easiest and cheapest to register as a co-exhibitor of the Austrian booth. Alternatively, the applicant can register for its own booth at the jazzahead!
The costs for participating at the Austrian booth amount to € 255 per person (excl. taxes).


The registration process consists of three simple steps:

  1. E-mail to Heinrich Schläfer, the organizer of the Austrian booth.
  2. E-mail to Maleni Piyasiri of jazzahead!
  3. Register at

Step 1:
An informal application to participate at the Austrian booth is sent per e-mail to Heinrich Schläfer, organizer of the Austrian booth.
Heinrich Schläfer >> E-mail:
You will receive an invoice from Heinrich Schläfer, NOT from jazzahead!
For this reason please specify your invoice address in the e-mail. Should you receive an invoice from jazzahead!, please forward this to Heinrich Schläfer.

Step 2:
Please inform Maleni Piyasiri, responsible for the exhibitors and organization at jazzahead!, about your participation at the Austrian booth.
Maleni Piyasiri >> E-mail:

Step 3:
Now register on the webpage of jazzahead!.
On the “Register now” menu allows you to “create a new account” if you are participating at jazzahead! for the first time, or “login” if you already have an account.
Follow the instructions and fill out everything accordingly. You will first have to create your own account by filling in all of your data. Then register for jazzahead! 2015 and enter “Co-exhibitor” and “Austrian booth” in the respective boxes. The Austrian booth number is 6 D 10.
With all that done, you’re now registered as a co-exhibitor!


The submission deadline for showcase applications is November 11, 2014. The participating bands at jazzahead! will be announced mid-December.