Polyamory Sound Festival

The “Polyamory Sound Festival” (21.10 – 29.10) was created by Lukas Kranzelbinder with the aim of working with a number of musicians from various music scenes over a specific period of time.  The Festival is intended to create a basis for musical and cultural exchange between artists from diverse European cities, in a form and at a level of intensity not often attainable under other circumstances.

At multi-day festivals in one or more cities, a specific pool of musicians from the respective scene presents music that is purposefully not confined to a specific genre.  Instead, the influences of the individual musicians and their personal approaches to music are at the forefront of these concerts; the musicians are allowed space to develop their individual visions.

The concept of the Festival’s first edition in 2010 is to develop a strong basis for projects to follow in coming years.  Three-day festivals in as many European cities as possible are planned, either linked with one another, as in this case, or spread over the entire year.  The brand “Polyamory Sound” will be established as a fixed institution and over the the longer term will come to stand for music and arts performances without borders or preconceived notions Europe-wide.
