OPEN CALLS: Musika Peripherika

musika peripherika logo 2022
(c) musika peripherika logo 2022

Musika Peripherika is an artist-centric project offering European bands and artists the opportunity to get EU-funded rights, coaching and be featured in professionally filmed interviews and performance sessions. The greater purpose is to promote, develop and strengthen the under-valued peripheral music hidden across Europe on the geographic, genre or music industry level. Check out their current two open calls!

What is Musika Peripherika?

Building on European musical heritage and folk traditions, Musika Peripherika is an innovative European audio-visual and music project documenting the creative processes via field recording sessions filmed across Europe – from the Sami in the North to the Mediterranean south to Eastern Europe. The resulting films and recorded music, along with the corresponding metadata, will build up a new European Open Rights Framework of musical and A/V rights to test ways through which we can increase the speed and transparency of rights distributions across Europe. Furthermore, using the new .music domains for all artist participants as well as films, video clips, interviews and other A/V filmed output, the project will test ways through which the new .music websites, which will all be web 3.0 video-enabled, verified domains can drive new revenues to artists and creators.

Video: Musika Peripherika – EU-funded Music Community Project


Apply to participate in the documentary, series filmings and recordings.

Deadline: 31st December 2022


Apply to get support on registrations with rights societies.

Musika Peripherika is an European project that aims at finding new ways for creators to get paid correctly from their musical works placed in audio-visual productions. Our main goal is to assist PRO’s / CMO’s with the challenging task of distributing more rights royalties to European Creators, especially those on the peripheral edge of the music industry – or in fact on the geographical periphery of Europe itself.

This Open Call invites European Artists and Composers, of all musical genres and geographies, that consider themselves to be “outsiders” in the music industry, so that the project may assist European creators addressing rights registration and remuneration challenges.

If you are a musical artist and/or author/composer, please reply to our Open Call informing us of your needs and specific challenges that you face, so we can propose potential solutions.