The INTERNATIONAL MUSIC BUSINESS SUMMER SCHOOL, a project by Hamburg Music, offers a professional and internationally oriented qualification program for young professionals from all over Europe. Participants receive targeted training, practical tips and networking with an international focus in the fields of International Music Publishing and International Live Entertainment. The deadline to apply is December 15th, 2021.

The International Music Business Summer School aims at giving people already active in the music industry the opportunity of receiving targeted training, practical tips and networking with an international focus. In cooperation with national and international associations, the International Music Business Summer School provides the best possible combination of theoretical knowledge, practical insights and networking opportunities for International Music Publishing and International Live Entertainment – curated by proven industry experts.

In 2022, the International Music Business Summer School will be held online via ZOOM in January and February 2022. Have a closer look at the programme of the Schools below and apply until December 15 2021!

The curriculum of the International Music Publishing Summer School combines necessary information on an international level with specialist knowledge in international music publishing. Accompanied by networking activities and alumni meetings during festivals like Reeperbahn Festival 2021, these courses give people already active in the music publishing sector the opportunity of receiving targeted training, practical tips and networking with an international focus.

The seminar thus serves both basic and advanced training for activities in music publishing houses and associated areas in the entire media sector that come into contact with licensing rights. The content is aimed at employees in European publishing houses and media companies and independent creative professionals with a close professional connection to music publishing.

The International Live Entertainment Summer School teaches the relevant basics of advanced event management in theory and practice and in compact form at an international level. The programme is aimed at employees of event companies or self-employed persons with a close professional connection to the event industry.

The aim of the offer is the comprehensive knowledge transfer within the main branches of the international music industry Music Publishing and Live Entertainment. In addition to teaching theoretical knowledge, we place great emphasis on practical relevance and the mutual exchange of experience. Previous experience in the respective field is therefore an explicit criterion for participation. 

The group size is deliberately kept small in order to ensure not only a pleasant learning atmosphere and a good supervision ratio by the speakers, but also to enable cross-industry exchange and sustainable networking.

The programme is aimed at employees from all branches of the music industry, graduates with previous professional experience in media, culture and music management, and independent creative professionals with a close professional connection to the music industry.

Project partners are the most important national and international associations and interest groups in the music industry. Cooperating partners of the International Music Publishing Summer School are organisations like the International Confederation of Music Publishers (ICMP)Chambre Syndicale De l’Edition Musicale (CSDEM), as well as the federal partner Deutscher Musikverleger-Verband (DMV). Partner of the International Live Entertainment Summer School are organisations like the European Live Music Association (ELMA), Associazione Italiana Organizzatori e Produttori Spettacoli di Musica dal vivo (Assomusica)  and the federal partner Bundesverband der Konzert- und Veranstaltungswirtschaft e. V. (BDKV). Since the beginning, Reeperbahn Festival and the Music Cities Network have been partners and supporters.

Educational partner for the implementation is the Hamburg Media School. 

Apply now!