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(c) enoa 2022

For the second time, enoa (European network of opera academies) launches an open call to welcome artists, makers, creators – to participate in the Immersive Residency programme. Deadline to apply is October 20th, 2022.


This programme is about welcoming a cohort of brilliant mid-career artists who do not have opera within their creative practice and who are curious about adding it. The offer is a year-long introduction to opera through a series of workshops and a bespoke relationship with an enoa institution.

enoa’s objective is to break down existing barriers to the opera field, to meet and create a cohort of new artists, to broaden its perspectives, in the hope that more artists are inspired to make opera in the future. That said, there is no defined output for this programme. It is a process of exploration and a chance to find out a bit more about opera as an art form. 

Discover the manifesto and commitments to equality and diversity. 


You can download full application details here.

To apply: link to application form here

Deadline: October 20th, 2022 (11:59pm CET)

If you want to meet us, you can check the enoa who’s who.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email Sophie or Lucile at


What are the criteria you will be assessed on?

  • Whether or not this feels like a useful and meaningful intervention for your artistic practice
  • Whether you are genuinely curious about opera and the opera form
  • What you could bring to the cohort of artists
  • Whether or not your practice has the potential to contribute to opera as an art form at some point in the future
  • Whether your profile is matching with the hosting institution you are applying for