Open Call: Culture Moves Europe

Culture Moves Europe banner

The Culture Moves Europe initiative was created to help artists and cultural professionals expand their reach beyond the borders of the country where they live – you don’t have to be an EU citizen, you just have to legally reside in one of the 40 EU countries. If you have a project planned with an international partner, you can apply for a mobility grant from now until May 31st, 2024!

The Culture Moves Europe program, financed by the European Union and administered by the Goethe Institute, was created to help artists and cultural professionals in all branches of the arts (including music) participate in international projects. There are two types of grants, or “action lines”, as they are called: Individual Mobility Actions, for 1 – 5 people; and Residency Actions, for legal entities planning to host 1 – 5 people.

Individual Mobility Actions

The Individual Mobility Action provides financial support to artists and cultural professionals with a project planned between Creative Europe countries with an international partner (either a person or an organization). The aim of this action is to support artists and cultural professionals in developing their careers internationally, learning and cooperating beyond borders. Applicants are free to choose who they want to work with, as well as the outline and goals of their project.

The individual mobility grant contributes to travel costs and daily expenses during the project. Grants are calculated for each individual based on the project duration (7 – 60 days for an individual or 7 – 21 days for groups of up to five people). Additional support in the form of “top-ups” is also available based on individual needs – disabilities, traveling to or from EU OCTs or ORs, traveling with children, or using sustainable means of travel.

Residency actions

The Residency Action grant is for legal entities – that means organizations, foundations, companies, but also self-employed individuals! So, you’re a self-employed musician or you have a recording studio, and you want to collaborate with colleagues from elsewhere in the EU? Then this grant is for you!

The residency grant contributes to the costs of hosting artists from other countries, including travel and daily allowances. Additional support is also available (see above).

Culture Moves Europe residency banner


To apply, you must…

  • be at least 18 years old
  • legally reside in a participating country, including Overseas Countries and Territories and the Outermost Regions of the EU
  • be an artist or cultural professional active in cultural and creative sectors listed on the official website
  • have an international partner with whom you will work on your cultural project
  • applicants legally residing in Ukraine will have the option to directly apply for a virtual mobility grant

When and how can I apply?

Now! There are monthly deadlines to apply for the Individual Mobility grants from October 2023 to May 2024 (skipping December) – so you can apply any time before May 31st, 2024 at 23:59:59. You’ll be notified 6 to 8 weeks after the monthly deadline; if you’ve been approved, you’ll have a year to complete the project.

For residency grants, there will be four calls between spring 2023 and autumn 2024; there is currently (October 2023) a call open.

You can apply for both types of grants via the Goethe Institute’s online form (requires creation of a user account).


The program encourages the inclusion of people from different backgrounds and profiles, and strives for environmental sustainability. Special attention is given to ensure gender, country, and sectoral balance, as well as to include emerging artists and cultural professionals. For complete information, check out the initiative homepage.

So, what are you waiting for? Time to stop dreaming and start planning!