Online Shop For Scores: music austria sheet music shop

The music austria sheet music shop is an easy way for Austrian-based composers to sell their compositions to a broader audience. It is unfortunately still often the case that compositions, especially those of contemporary music, as good and as excellent as they may be, often disappear into some dusty drawer for all eternity after being performed by an orchestra or ensemble.

The basic idea of the sheet music shop is to make these compositions visible – to make these accessible to an audience or musicians who want to perform these compositions. This definitely makes sense if you look at the ever-growing group of people interested in the genre of contemporary music. Young musicians, ensembles, music students and music teachers are becoming more and more interested in an artistic approach with contemporary sounds.

The problem so far has always been that contemporary sheet music is hard to find and frequently involves a weary quest with many detours. One where you possibly have to contact the composer directly without having the necessary contact data. There is a basic need for an easy manageable platform that simplifies the process of finding and obtaining desired compositions.

The music austria sheet music shop is unique in Austria and solves just this problem. The intention of the shop is to provide interested people the opportunity to acquire the works in a simple and straightforward manner. To make this shop work, it obviously also relies on the cooperation of the composers. For this reason, the music austria sheet music shop is constantly on the lookout for composers who are willing to provide their works for the shop.

Hence the call to all Austrian-based composers to participate in this venture!

Michael Ternai

(translated from German)
