Austrian acts take the stage at Nuits Sonores

Nuits Sonores is a massive urban electronic music festival in Lyon, France. A festival not just of music, but of culture, art, and the city itself. Spread out among over 40 locations throughout the city, festival visitors can explore a collection of talented international and regional artists on a sort of cultural parkour through Lyon. This year, in cooperation with We Are Europe, it is also a festival of festivals. Curators from two other european festivals have chosen the lineup for stages on the 6th of May. One of those stages is being curated by Austria’s own Elevate Festival, and they decided to bring Elektro Guzzi along for the midnight set on their stage.

But Elektro Guzzi aren’t the only Austrians landing in Lyon. Zanshin and Ogris Debris will be part of the inaugural lineup at a special free show on the 4th of May.


INAUGURATION Wednesday 04 May 18:00 – 19:10

Zanshin might be familiar to martial arts aficionados, as a term referring to a state of relaxed awareness. Zanshin the person should be familiar to fans of Affine records or Ogris Debris because Zanshin is the solo project of Ogris Debris’ Gregor Ladenhauf. A sound artist who can take the stage as performer and DJ, flirt with sounds from abstract jazz to various electronic genres and package them together with a visual language that is surprisingly suitable for his names origins.

Ogris Debris:

INAUGURATION Wednesday 04 May 19:20 – 20:20

Ogris Debris take their time. Whether in developing tracks or releasing albums, they just don’t like to be rushed. But they do like to play live. As a matter of fact, it was their constant playing that helped keep them busy for ten years before even releasing a debut album. But that album is out now, it is titled “Constant Spring”, features a brand new version of their international hit “Miezekatze”, and you can get a taste of their live version this spring, on the 4th of may.

Elektro Guzzi: 

NUIT 3 Friday 06 May00:15 – 01:15

Three men, three instruments: Guitar, Bass, and drums. A lineup that might not scream techno, unless you were already aware of the magic Elektro Guzzi manage to make on stage. They have taken the genre to an entirely different plane of existence. Their visionary creativity and unusual playing techniques make them a band that needs to be seen to be believed. Live on stage, if possible.



Nuits Sonores
Elektro Guzzi
Ogris Debris
Zanshin (Affine Records page)
We Are Europe