Call for Submissions: Musiktheatertage Wien Residencies


The Musiktheatertage Wien, an internationally renowned contemporary music theater festival, hereby invites interested artists and collectives to take part in a residency in June and September 2024. The residencies are part of the EU-sponsored project “What’s Next?“, focusing on multidisciplinary reflection on European identity after war and crisis. Applications can be submitted until April 29th, 2024.

The Musiktheatertage Wien will host two two-part residencies this year under the rubrik “safe cultural multi-spaces for the multidisciplinary reflection of (post)war and (post)crisis European identity”.

Just the facts

The residencies will take place in Vienna; part one will be from June 9 – 16; part two from September 20 – 27. The residencies are open to collectives and artistic groups working in contemporary music theater; applicants must be available for both parts of the residency.

Project concepts should deal with one of the following topics:

  • Ecological future (responsibility, human/environment, sustainability, climate crisis, etc.)
  • The decision-making human (homo politicus, individualism vs. swarm behavior, and social, political, or philosophical aspects)

How to apply

Please send the following materials in PDF form (max. 10 MB) via e-mail to

  • Project concept (max. one A4 page)
  • Statement of intentions for the residency (max. one A4 page)
  • CV or description of the group
  • Artist bios
  • Portfolio of selected works as a PDF file or a link to the portfolio website

Applications must be submitted by 8:00 a.m. on April 29, 2024. The applications will be assessed by the festival team and selected residents will be informed by May 3, 2024.

For further information please see the Musiktheatertage homepage or contact project manager Anna Knapp at