Music Camp Graz 2013

For the fourth time the network society Creative Industries Styria is hosting this year’s “Music Camp Graz” on the 14th of November 2013. This time the focus is set on topics dealing with online streaming and music journalism.

This educational program, which is commited to network promotion and music economics, is part of the Styrianstylez Festival and has taken on the mission of providing the local pop music scene with incentives for professionalisation. The program offers lectures and panels on music-economic issues that are based on the technological changes of recent years. The main topics this year are online streaming and music journalism.


09.30 a.m.:
Get together
10.00 a.m.:  Greeting
10.15 a.m.:  Online Streaming | with Meike Nolte (Wimp, DE)
11.45 a.m.:  Marketing and streaming from the perspective of labels, agencies and artists | with Illias Dahimène (Seayou Records, AT), Bernhard Kaufmann (Arcadia Agency, AT) and EFFI (AT)
01.00 p.m.: Lunch
02.00 p.m.: Music journalism 2.0 |with Florian Hayler (VISIONS, Radio Fritz, DE)
04.00 p.m.: Listening to the radio 2.0 | with Susi Ondrusova (Radio FM4, AT), Dietmar Tschmelak (Radio Soundportal, AT) and Florian Hayler (Radio Fritz, DE)
05.00 p.m.:  Open discussion
06.30 p.m.:  Curfew


Over the course of  three days, the Styrianstylez Festival offers a comprehensive “showcase” of the regional pop culture scene. Every year the festival takes place in various venues in Graz. The main objective of the initiative is to offer artists from Graz and Styria a clear position on the map of the pop culture world. The 2013 lineup features artists such as Mimu, Neodisco, Klangkarussell, Klumzy Tung, Thalija, Gustav, Sofa Surfers and many more.