Within its policy of promoting and encouraging musical creation, Miso Music Portugal offers a special programme of artistic residencies at the Miso Studio – LEC (Lab for Electroacoustic Creation). In this context and in partnership with the Minstrel project, Miso Music Portugal launches a call for a one-month residency at LEC. This call is open to all composers from the countries involved int the Minstrel project (Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Latvia, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia) – only one composer will be chosen.
The composer chosen for the residency will have to create a new electroacoustic piece for tape from ±8 to
12 minutes during her/his residency.
The residency gives the composer the opportunity to present her/his works informally on the 1st Thursday of
the month of the residency at Quintas Abertas – Agricultura Electroacústica (Thursdays Open Farm – Electroacoustic Agriculture) and also to present the new residency work in concert, performed by the our Loudspeaker Orchestra either during the Miso Music Portugal Concert Season or at the Música Viva Festival, date to be fixed. All presentations of the work must mention Miso Music Portugal/Miso Studio – LEC as the context of its creation.
- Duration: 1 month (preferably between January & April 2014)
- Discipline: electroacoustic music
- Target group: international
- Deadline for applications: June 30th, 2013
- Selection: The selected composer’ s project will be announced on October 31st, 2013.
- Application address: lec@misomusic.com
- Find us on: http://www.misomusic.com
- Address: Rua do Douro 92 Rebelva 2775-318 Parede – Portugal tel: +351.21.4575068
All applications for the LEC artistic residencies should contain:
- a project for an electroacoustic work to be composed during the residency
- curriculum vitae and recommendation letters (optionally)
- at least 3 works recordings
- proof of nationality (a scanned image of passport or other document containing this information).
All applications will undergo a preliminary verification and afterwards, the selected composers will be
convened to an interview (in person or over skype or phone). Only after these stages will the LEC Board
make their decision concerning the residency.
Apple Computer
Interfaces Audio/Midi – Pro Tools HD, Digidesign MBox2 Mini, RME, MOTU
8 Channels Loudspeakers System
Controlers/Mixers – Mackie Control, Behringer
DAW’s – Pro Tools, Digital Performer
Software – Max/MSP, Supercollider, CSound, IRCAM Bundle, Sibelius
Plugins – Avid, MOTU, Waves, ArtsAcoustic, Native Instruments, GRM Tools
Miso Music Portugal does not provide accommodation for the composer in residence. Nevertheless we can provide help in arranging accommodation close to the residency location.
Miso Music Portugal will provide a monthly amount of 1200 Euros gross to help covering the composer’s expenses.
Note that the rate of tax paid in Portugal by individual person is 25%. If the composer provides an invoice on behalf of a company the tax rate depends on the values existing in his/her country of origin.
Situated in Parede, outside Lisbon, on the way to the west coast (Cascais train line from Caís do Sodré station to Carcavelos station). The journey takes approximately 20-30 minutes.
The studio has a kitchen fully equipped.