Anyone who has had the opportunity to experience this band live, knows why it is there, where it stands, and that the international praise they have received is well earned. MARIO ROM’S INTERZONE has become one of the most important flagships of local jazz in recent years. And their new album “Truth Is Simple To Consume” (Traumton Records) shows why. The trio has developed its own fascinating language of jazz, one that combines passion, inventiveness, and musical border-crossing in a truly unique way.

“Truth is Simple to Consume” is simply the logical progression of a band that doesn’t want to repeat itself and strives to push its own musical boundaries ever further. MARIO ROM’S INTERZONE once again proven their extraordinary talent on “Truth is Simple to Consume”. Just as they did on their two previous albums “Nothing is True” (2012) and “Everything is Permitted” (2015).


It is the incredibly fleet-footed and passionate interplay of the three protagonists that catapults this performance into a class of its own. Everything seems so simple, so natural. Every spontaneous twist, every rhythm change, no matter how daring it may seem. The entire interplay of the individual elements come together in one suspenseful arc. Mario Rom (trumpet), Lukas Kranzelbinder (double bass) and Herbert Pirker (drums) breathe life into the apparently complex, transforming it into something wonderfully diverse and flowing. Something which fascinates from the very beginning.


Cover "Truth Is Simple To Consume"
Cover “Truth Is Simple To Consume”

Listening to the album is like embarking on an exciting journey through the various states of jazz and beyond. Mario Rom and his two colleagues know how to let it swing and groove, even while giving free rein to experimentation. They understand how to get the most atmosphere from every peaceful passage and perform true feats of wonder in the lively ones. Lukas Kranzelbinder’s unmistakable style provides the pulse, and together with the furious drums of Herbert Pirker they drive the story from one chapter to the next in a wonderfully varied way. And then there is Mario Rom. He moulds the numbers into their perfect form with dynamic melodies and a solid playing style which ranges from powerful to oblique.

In other words, Mario Rom’s INTERZONE’s “Truth is Simple to Consume” is an album that will definitely open more doors for the band. What these three gentlemen have produced here is really great jazz cinema. An enthralling sound that covers all the bases.

Michael Ternai (translated from German by Dave Dempsey)


Mario Rom´s Interzone Live

18.11.2017 Hotel Traube, Admont, Austria
23.11.2017 Shisha Bar, Pune, India
24.11.2017 Windmills, Bangalore, India
25.11.2017 Windmills Bangalore, India
13.12.2017 Stockwerk, Graz, Austria
12.01.2018 Jazzarchitekt, Wiesbaden, Germany
17.01.2018 Opus Jazz Club, Budapest, Hungary
26.01.2018 Kulturhofkeller, Villach, Austria
17.03.2018 Konzerthaus, Vienna, Austria

Mario Rom´s Interzone
Mario Rom´s Interzone (Facebook)