Christian Bakanic, Marie Spaemann (c) Julia Wesely
Christian Bakanic, Marie Spaemann (c) Julia Wesely

A colorful, slight chamber-music-like style mix, that translates into wonderful gripping pieces and grows into a real listening experience -– exactly such a mix is presented by MARIE SPAEMANN and CHRISTIAN BAKANIC on their first joint album “Metamorphosis” (Preiser Records; release date Nov 6.).

Well, you can definitely come to a certain conclusion after listening to this album: Two extraordinary creative musical freethinkers have indeed come together. One can easily lose oneself in this music performed by the young cellist and singer Marie Spaemann and the accordionist Christian Bakanic, it’s an invitation to just lean back, enjoy and simply give oneself over to dreaming.

Passion and virtuosity

Cover Metamorphosis
Cover Metamorphosis

The two of them -– who actually come from completely different musical backgrounds – are presenting on their debut “Metamorphosis” a sound full of warmth, passion and virtuosity, a sound that allows them to move with gripping melodies across very different styles in a truly exciting and incredibly tense way, showing manifold musical ingredients ranging from soul and jazz, classical and chamber music to Tango Nuevo and other forms of world music.
A further element is Marie Spaemann’s voice and her way of singing that add character and charm to the whole production. The stories of this duo are told in instrumental pieces and in songs, they comprise original compositions as well as new interpretations that follow a highly varied, solidly elegant and poetic tone, at  times with a gentle touch, at others striding forward powerfully and impulsively.

“Metamorphosis” has turned into a musical masterpiece with many, many highlights, a piece that convinces right from the first note and entertains at the highest level. To sum it all up, Marie Spaemann and Christian Bakanic have made an impressive start with their debut album, one that also raises hopes for more musical wonders to come in the future.
Michael Ternai

Marie Spaemann
Marie Spaemann (Facebook)
Christian Bakanic
Preiser Records

Translated from the German original by Julian Schoenfeld