Making Tracks 2021 – Open Call

Making Tracks (c) Making Tracks 2019

MAKING TRACKS is a groundbreaking international music exchange program, based around an annual UK residency and tour. The project brings together exceptional emerging artists to showcase diverse music, initiate new collaborations and explore strategies for music-based environmental engagement. The MAKING TRACKS 2021 residency will take place on the West Coast of Scotland for two weeks in October, followed by a two-week UK tour of ten leading venues. Eight outstanding artists from the UK and Europe will be selected to take part. MAKING TRACKS is mainly interested in music with direct or implicit connections to cultural traditions and heritage, as well as environmentally-engaged artists working with soundscape field recordings or sound art.

Having carried out a successful digital edition in 2020, this year Making Tracks hopes to return to creating and sharing music in person. However, given the lingering risk of disruption from Covid-19, artists based outside the UK will be prioritised who – in an absolute worst case scenario – would be suited and open to taking part in Making Tracks virtually, if required. Making Tracks is particularly interested in adventurous and collaboratively-minded music professionals who double up as community organisers, environmentalists, ethnomusicologists, writers, storytellers and more.


Musicians from all backgrounds are encouraged to apply, whether they have formal musical training or not. Although they don’t aim to be restrictive when it comes to genre, they’re mainly interested in music with direct or implicit connections to cultural traditions and heritage, as well as environmentally-engaged artists working with soundscape field recordings or sound art. Making Tracks is particularly interested in collaboratively-minded music professionals who double up as community organisers, environmentalists, ethnomusicologists, writers, storytellers and more. If you have not already done so, you should read more about what they do.

The deadline for applications is the 19th of July, 2021.

Making Tracks (c) Making Tracks 2019

Eligible countries:
Due to uncertainties around COVID-19, they are only open to applicants based in the UK and other European countries. They are sorry if this decision effects you. Eight exceptional young musicians will be selected to take part. Artists outside the UK will be prioritised who would be suited and open to taking part virtually if travel restrictions require.

Our focus is on young professionals. This typically means that applicants should be between 19 and 35 years old (although they occasionally make exceptions).

What else you should know

– Collaboration is key.
Making Tracks aims to strike a balance between showcasing solo talent as well as giving musicians the opportunity to collaborate on new projects and explore new musical styles and traditions. For our collaborative component, musicians work together across cultural divides in pursuit of new musical possibilities.

Making Tracks is environmentally-focused.

We are looking for musicians who share our passion for the natural world and genuinely care about reducing their environmental impact. You should be open to exploring opportunities for music-based environmental engagement, whether practically (e.g. by exploring environmentally-friendly touring models), artistically (e.g. by making music that’s clearly inspired by the natural world or that raises awareness of environmental issues such as climate change or biodiversity loss), or both.

Making Tracks is not a typical ‘paid gig’.
Making Tracks is a music exchange programme, which pays all expenses on top of a generous stipend. While our format is not comparable to a typical paid gig, they give Fellows a chance to create new collaborative works, perform at leading venues, establish lifelong musical friendships and receive professional development from our team of industry experts.

Application Materials

Applicants will be asked to write about their musical background and interests, as well as provide some other basic information. Finally, applicants will be asked to submit 3-5 samples of their solo and collaborative work (both audio and video are accepted).

(c) Making Tracks 2021

The Review Criteria

  1. Musical Excellence – A high level of performance, composition, improvisational, production and/or technological skill.
  2. Collaboration – A willingness to reach across cultural and musical divides in creating original music or re-interpreting traditional music, while respecting the essence of each tradition.
  3. Environmental Engagement – Musicians who share our passion for nature and care about reducing their environmental impact or spreading awareness of environmental issues such as climate change or biodiversity loss.
  4. Age – Applicants should be between 19 – 35 years old.
  5. English Proficiency – Applicants should be able to converse in and understand basic English, as it will be the common language of the Making Tracks programme.
  6. Internet Proficiency – Making Tracks Digital Fellows should actively use email, have a social media presence and / or an artist website, and be able to connect to the internet.

For more info on Making Tracks, click here. To apply directly, click here.