(c) Johanna Dorner
(c) Johanna Dorner

On their debut work “Beyond The Red Sun” (Phonotron), LILI creates sophisticated pop in a relaxed and lighthearted, but still intense and haunting way. They have created a sound which seduces the listener from the very first note. It is a piece of music that invites you to embark on a wonderfully relaxing dream journey.

It looks like someone is about to make a name for themselves. The Grazer All-Star-Formation LILI is made up of members from respected bands like Polkov, Granada, Marta, Stereoface, Shaun Berkovits and Empty Lot. The music they make is melancholic and timeless with sounds that gently caress the listener. Their harmonious melodies result in atmospheric songs that stick in your head. The founder and songwriter of the project Günther Paulitsch and his colleagues Alex Connaughton, Jürgen Schmidt, Julian Pieber, Daniel Varga and Piotr Lipowicz prove themselves to be masters of a beautiful and seductive sound which wraps you in its incredible warmth and lets you float away into other realms.


Album cover “Beyond The Red Sun”
Album cover “Beyond The Red Sun”

And they do it with great variety. The five songs on “Beyond the Red Sun” all tell their own tales. Sometimes they are sad, then again strangely optimistic. Sometimes they are faster, and then again beautifully tantalising. Yes, it is obvious that the members of this band know how to magically transform songs into touching experiences.

LILI’s EP “Beyond The Red Sun” is definitely a really great start. It will be interesting to see what else will follow. Their first full-length album has been announced for later in 2018. If the band is able to extend the exceptional quality of their debut EP to an LP, they can be sure of a great success and the undivided attention of fans of sophisticated pop.


Michael Ternai (translated by David Dempsey)


LILI (Facebook)
