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(c) Office Ukraine 2022

OFFICE UKRAINE. SHELTER FOR UKRAINIAN ARTISTS is a service to people from Ukraine from the cultural sector, seeking help. It acts as a mediation and coordination office and also offers concrete support. The aid project has been developed in cooperation with the community, BMKÖS (Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport),, BMEIA (Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs), < rotor > Center for Contemporary Art, springerin, Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen and other initiatives.

Ukrainian artists and cultural workers are still coming to Austria every day. Due to the current war situation and the extensive destruction, a return to their home country is not a viable option for most Ukrainians at the present time.

Therefore, Office Ukraine. Shelter for Ukrainian Artists is currently actively seeking job offers from its supporters and would be very pleased to receive new proposals. Both long-term (from specialized to simple) jobs, and freelance jobs for visual artists, musicians, curators, theorists, actors, writers, journalists, etc.

If you would like to offer jobs for Ukrainian cultural workers, please submit your offer on the web form of the Office Ukraine webpage.

For more information on Office Ukraine. Shelter for Ukrainian Artists, read our previous article here. Or go directly to the office’s website.

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(c) Office Ukraine 2022