Jazzahead 2019: Edi Nulz, PRIM, Pepe & Speedy

Edi Nulz (c) Antonia Renner
Edi Nulz (c) Antonia Renner

Every year in April, jazzahead! turns Bremen into the most important meeting place for the international jazz scene. The trade fair also features an integrated showcase festival. 40 bands from 18 countries will be on stage at the Kulturzentrum Schlachthof. From Austria, Edi Nulz, PRIM and Pepe & Speedy will be part of the showcase programme.

Austrian Artists At Jazzahead 2019

Austrian artists have been a vital part of the jazzahead! showcase programme in the last years. David Helbock, Shake Stew, Rom/Schaerer/Eberle, Kompost 3 and many others performed internationally acclaimed shows in Bremen. In 2019, Edi Nulz, PRIM and Pepe & Speedy will be part of the showcase programme.

  • Edi Nulz: Siegmar Brecher (bass clarinet), Julian Adam Pajzs (tenor, baritone guitar), Valentin Schuster (drums, pocket piano)
    Date: 2019/04/27, 02:00 PM – 06:00 PM,
    Location: Hall 7.1 Hall 7.2 Kulturzentrum Schlachthof
  • Pepe & Speedy – Christoph P. Auer (ts, cl, pepephon), Thomas Mauerhofer (g)
    Date: 2019/04/25, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM,
    Location: Kulturzentrum Schlachthof
  • PRIM – Felix Biller (piano), Martin Melzer (bass) and Christoph Karas (drums)
    Date: 2019/04/27, 07:00 PM – 10:10 PM,
    Location: Weserburg | Museum für moderne Kunst


Edi Nulz are three jazz musicians that unmistakably bring along a heavy dose of rock music. The music of Julian Adam Pajzs, Valentin Schuster and Siegmar Brecher is far from any classical jazz structures. Besides the strong instrumental skills and the highly complex songs of the musicians, it is above all the driving energy in the playing style, melodies, harmonies and riffs that sets the music of this trio apart from traditional jazz, and is rather reminiscent of the prog-rock era in the 70s. After releasing the critically acclaimed album “An der vulgären Kante” in 2016 via UNIT Records, Edi Nulz presented their latest album “El Perro Grande” (Boomslang Records) in spring 2018. At Jazzahead 2019, Edi Nulz will perform during the German Jazz Expo on Saturday, April 27 at Kulturzentrum Schlachthof.

Christoph Pepe Auer & Thomas Mauerhofer

For the first time, jazzahead! also features concerts in the special program “improvisation & jazz for children”. These showcases are aimed at jazz musicians, music mediators, music teachers and students, as well as children at kindergarten and primary school age. Christoph Pepe Auer (ts, cl, pepephon) and Thomas Mauerhofer (g) will perform on Thursday, April 25 (11:00 AM – 12:30) at Kulturzentrum Schlachthof.


As a part of the annual Clubnight during jazzahead!, the trio PRIM – Felix Biller (piano), Martin Melzer (bass) and Christoph Karas (drums) – will perform a showcase at the Weserburg Museum for Modern Art on Saturday, April 27. PRIM mixes simple and lyrical melodies, rock riffs and drum ‘n’ bass with inspirations from classical music and jazz. The trio from Vienna released their debut album More & Less Diminished in 2016, followed by their EP 40 Days one year later.


Aussenwirtschaft Austria
Aussenwirtschaft Austria

Austria has been represented at the fair since the beginning. In 2019, the Austrian stand will be organized by AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA. More information: Aussenwirtschaft Austria Showcase at jazzahead! 2019

Meet the Austrian artists, participating companies and Austrian Music Export at the Austrian Booth (6D 13) and catch up with the great variety of music from Austria. Participants from Austria include Bella Concerts GmbH, the International Jazzfestival Saalfelden, Jam Music Lab University, Saudades Tourneen, Session Work Records and Sounddesign Austria, among others.

Edi Nulz