
Austrian Music Export is a joint initiative of mica – music austria and the Austrian Music Fund (Öst.Musikfonds). Austrian Music Export is supported by AKM/GFÖM, FAMA/WKO, go international – an initiative of WKO and BMWFW, the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs, The Arts and Culture Division of the Federal Chancellery of Austria, by IFPI/LSG Produzenten, OESTIG/LSG Interpreten, AUME/SKE Fund and the Municipal Department of Cultural Affairs (MA7) of the City of Vienna.

Media Owner:
Music Information Center Austria (mica)
Legal status: Non profit organization

UID: ATU40670001
Association: Zl X-5865
ZVR: 824057737

Hypo Oberösterreich
IBAN: AT15 5400 0000 0070 3934

1070 Vienna, Stiftgasse 29
Tel: +43 1 52104.0
mail: office[at]musicaustria. at

Governing Body:
Mag. Ulrich Gabriel (secretary)
Mag. Dr. Pia Palme (president)
Mag. Jürgen Partaj (vice-president)
Mag. Angelika Schopper, MAS
MMag. Johannes Sterkl (cashier)

Sabine Reiter – Executive Director

Purpose of the Association:
The activities of the organization are not focused on financial gain. The association exclusively pursues non-profit purposes, namely the promotion of generality in the field of music culture, information on contemporary Austrian music of all genres and the enhancement of the level of awareness and visibility of living Austrian artists of all genres, as well as conveyance, distribution and research of contemporary Austrian music of all genres.

Editorial Policy:
The Austrian Music Export provides comprehensive information about Austrian based music professionals from the fields of jazz/improvisation, contemporary music, pop/rock/electronic/hip-hop, world music in the form of interviews, portraits and editorial articles and brings announcements and reports on concerts, festivals and publications as well as music scene and genre portrayals. Furthermore the Austrian Music Export offers reports on musical culture, cultural policy and the music industry, provided that the topics are of interest for the Austrian music world. The Austrian Music Export is not committed to any political direction and rejects discriminatory contents. AI is used by the editorial team for proofreading, simple translations, and summarizing basic facts.

Data Protection:
Please find our data protection policy here (German PDF, available for download).

Terms & Conditions

This website and all related contents are protected by the international copyright laws and referring agreements. The use of the website is permitted only within the narrow limits of copyright laws. If users intend to use the website for other reasons than solely for personal use or non-commercial use, they may contact the mica – music information center austria, Stiftgasse 29, A-1070 Vienna.

Please note that any use of the copyrighted texts, particularly its reproduction and dissemination, without the written authorization by mica – music austria, may result in civil and criminal consequences.

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