"Harmony and Noises" – Workshop Series for Teenagers

As the first cultural institution behind the Iron Curtain, the Austrian Cultural Forum in Warsaw / Austriackie Kultury Forum addresses its role as an open platform and hub for Polish arts and musicians, as well as for the Polish audience. Due to its geopolitical position and in terms of diversity, the Austrian Cultural Forum in Warsaw is devoted to  bringing the “East” and “West” together and in finding a common ground for all parties. To also foster the next generation, the Cultural Forum is currently organizing a new education series dedicated to Austrian composers of contemporary music.

The concept has been developed by Dr. Constanze Wimmer, Dagmar Schinnerl, Krzysztof Kwiatkowski, and stands in collaboration with the music schools in Sulejówek and “Missio Musica”, as well as the Secondary School No. 11 in Warsaw. In the form of  workshop series on contemporary music from Austria, the aim is to gain a better understanding for contemporary music by actively participating in the preparation of contemporary music concerts. Before each concert, preliminary workshops will give the young participants (age 13-18) the oppurtunity to work on both the musical interpretation, as well as on other forms of artistic expression of the selected compositions.

With and without instrumental skills, the students will experience the music of Arnold Schönberg, Alban Berg and Anton Webern through different approaches: exploration, improvisation, composition, movement, painting and performance. In the course of the first workshop series, participants will learn about some important historical changes of the time around 1910 in Vienna regarding the 2nd Viennese School and find their individual approach to the music. The results of the workshops will be presented at the respective concert.

The first concert will take place at the Austrian Culture Forum in Warsaw and is dedicated to early expressionist works by Schoenberg – 6 pieces op. 19, Berg  – 4 pieces op. 5, and Webern – 4 pieces op.7. These will be performed by Bartlomiej Wasik – piano, Anna Kwiatkowska – violin and Artur Pachlewski – clarinet, as well as by the young students from both music and ordinary schools, who will present the results of their workshops around these works in the form of compositions, painting and pantomime.

The next concerts are dedicated to Georg Friedrich Haas and Olga Neuwirth and are scheduled for March and May 2012.

Date of the first concert:

Austrian Cultural Forum Warsaw
ul. Próżna 8
PL 00-107, Warszawa
