Despite all the adversities, we are organizing the 9th and the very unique edition of Intl Jazz Platform in order to meet the needs of the improvised music sector seriously affected by the world pandemic. The consequences of the current crisis will further increase the already high competitiveness and inequalities of the sector. That is why we feel an even bigger need to keep going and provide young artists with an environment in which they can learn from each other, exchange ideas, gain knowledge about the sector, express their concerns and hopes. Where they can feel the sense of belonging and where they can be understood and inspired. We are super happy that for this special edition we will be joined by an amazing faculty team including: Susana Santos Silva on trumpet, Lotte Anker on saxophoneHåvard Wiik on piano, Petter Eldh on bass and Gard Nilssen on drums.


This year’s edition of International Jazz Platform is a special one. First of all, it’s a part of the Creative Europe project Footprints, which is a new collaborative project that aims at reforming the music sector and introducing the values of social, economic and environmental responsibility to its activities. Created on the initiative of the Periscope from Lyon and Wytwórnia Foundation from Lodz, Footprints will be implemented with 4 experienced European partners Bimhuis from Amsterdam, Druga Godba from Ljubljana, Music Austria from Vienna and Oslo Jazz Festival and it will provide education, training and mentoring programmes for artists, agents and promoters.

Footprints means exciting seminars, workshops, meetings with promoters and mentorship by the most experienced actors of the European music sector. It also means tours for the selected artists and their bands around Europe. 6 participants of Intl Jazz Platform Footprints Edition from Poland, France, Slovenia, Austria, Holland and Norway will be selected to take part in the European tours that will take place between June 2021 and March 2022. They will be a result of a common work between selected artists, Footprints agents and partners of the project serving as mentors and guides of their music scene.


WHO: 50 young artists from Europe

Participants can be students or graduates of artistic schools and should have individual musical aspirations and interest in modern approach to improvised music. They should have an awareness and a need to expand their careers internationally, learn European music scenes and be willing to cooperate with their peers and experts from European countries.

Participants must be at least 18 years old and fluent in English.

WHEN: July 17 – 22 , 2021

WHERE: Klub Wytwórnia, Łąkowa 29 Str., 90-554 Łódź, Poland


– 6 participants (and their bands. Other band members can, but don’t have to participate in Intl Jazz Platform) from Poland, Austria, Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, France will be selected to Footprints projects to take part in the European tours organized with Footprints agents: season  2021-2022

WHAT: Intl Jazz Platform Footprints Edition is an international educational scheme, which is a response to the needs of young artists who are looking for creative faculty, inspiring working environment and would like to gain knowledge about the international music markets and developing a network of international contacts. Programme of Intl Jazz Platform Footprints edition includes workshops conducted by prominent musicians of the European jazz scene, as well as seminars and meetings run by representatives of the music industry – festival directors and experts from Poland and Europe.

  • 5 days of workshops for 50 young artists
  • 1 additional workshop day for 6 selected artists to Footprints tours on July 17th 2021 (special seminars on Footprints horizontal values, meetings with the agents and mentors, preparation for tours)
  • Participation in Intl Jazz Platform Footprints edition is free. The organizer also covers the following costs :
    – travel costs for Lodz
    – accommodation
    – sustenance

In addition to Intl Jazz Platform Footprints Edition in Lodz, selected participants will also take part in the following activities:

  • 6 artists: participation in the further activities of the Footprints project – a tour with one Footprint’s agent (around 10 concerts during the period between June 2021 and April 2022). The Organizer covers the following costs for artists:
    – artistic fees – 300 euro per band member per concert
    – travel costs, accommodation & sustenance


The above mentioned activities include 2 calls for applications:

First call for participation in Intl Jazz Platform Footprints edition taking place in Lodz within dates Jul 17 – 22. The call is announced on Feb 23rd, 2021.
Application form and  conditions for participation available here. (Tab: “artists”)

One more call will follow in the upcoming months for the artists that will be selected within the first call:

Second call for participation in Footprints tours (Jun 2021 – March 2022). Candidates will be asked to provide an additional motivation letter. To be announced at the beginning of April. Only artists from Poland, France, Slovenia, Austria, Holland and Norway can apply.



Footprints is addressed to young and motivated artists willing to develop their artistic and entrepreneurial skills as well as develop their touring and networking capacity. They will be working with agents trained within the project and put in touch with FP partners and experts in order to benefit from their experience and specific knowledge. Participants can be students or graduates of specialized academies having individual musical aspirations and interested in modern approach to music. They should have an awareness and a need to expand their careers internationally, learn European music scenes and be willing to cooperate with their peers and experts from European countries.

Participants must be at least 18 years old and fluent in English

Participants must live in one of these countries:  Poland, Austria, Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, France

Application Deadline: April 31, 2021

Application Material: here

Program Overview

50 participants will be selected to take part in the Intl Jazz Platform summer workshop in Lodz, out of which 6 participants will be selected to take part in the FP international tours and mentoring programme.

Dates of the summer training program: International Jazz Platform (July 17 – 22, Lodz, Poland).

6 selected artists (and their bands. Other band members can, but don’t have to participate in INTL Jazz Platform summer training programme) will be paired with FP agents and will be mentored by Footprints partners in order to organize a concert tour in Europe.

All the elements of the programme aim at introducing new skills and providing a better comprehension of social, ecological and economic features that are at stake in the future for the music industry.



Footprints Artists Application

International Jazz Platform (FB)