Waves Festival 2021 Announcements / Applications still open !

The Vienna Waves Festival and Conference 2021 preparations are off and running, culminating in the three-day festival from September 9th-11th! The program for the annual event consisting of international music acts, conferences and workshops is being announced bit by bit. Stay tuned for updates! And, don’t forget, there’s still time to apply – deadline: July 5th!

Current plan for Waves 2021 with Covid-19

There is still the question of how Waves Festival 2021 will be able to look like in early September, what is the plan, what do we have in mind. We are currently planning a full edition of the Waves Festival for the 9th to 11th of September. Of course, nothing is certain, but we have thought of various safety precautions and also several alternatives in the planning to be able to react to any developments, including restrictions and requirements, during the summer.

One of them includes a conversion to a hybrid or purely online version of the festival, which we unfortunately already experienced last year. In the course of this, there would also be an offer to ticket buyers to exchange purchased tickets for next year if the alternative variant of the festival does not appeal to them.

Stay tuned for further developments on the website, via newsletter and on social media!

Waves 2020 (c) Alexander Galler

Austrian music acts at Waves 2021, so far …

Downers & Milk / Earl Mobley / Florence Arman / GØRL / RUHMER / Takeshi’s Cashew / Cloud Cloud / Gran Bankrott / Laikka / Löwelöwe / Modecenter / ZINN / Oxyjane / Rahel / Sluff

Applications for Waves 2021 are still open!

The application for the 11th edition of Waves Festival is still open. You may register on Gigmit and apply to perform at Waves Festival 2021 taking place on September 9-11.

Please keep in mind that applications via Instagram or Facebook are not accepted. From the open call via Gigmit at least 10 acts are selected to perform at Waves Vienna 2021. All the best! The application ends on 5th of July 2021, 00:00.

Waves Conference focuses on the Danube Region

This year’s conference programme takes up the festival’s focus on the Danube region and understands it not as a pandemic-related restriction, but as an overdue in-depth examination of the macro-region of the countries along the Danube. Experts from the Danube countries Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine will present their music markets and discuss cross-border issues.

The commitment to this region serves economic and cultural interests. On the one hand, regional cooperation aims to overcome the prevailing differences in economic performance and thus play an important role as a strong region within a Europe-wide music export strategy that also addresses non-European music markets. Furthermore, there are long historical cultural relations in the Danube region that still lead to exciting music projects today.

Waves 2020 (c) Alexander Galler

International festivals and conferences usually focus on the big players, the most successful festivals, labels and agencies of the world’s biggest music markets. The thematic concentration on one region allows a closer look at the different scenes and the contributors on several levels. For the conference delegates and for the acts that can be seen live at the festival, this should lead to realistic and promising opportunities to find future contact and cooperation partners in the various networking formats within the framework of the conference.

For example, the Slovakian club scene outside Bratislava will be examined in separate panels, as will German festivals away from the mega-events. The electronic music scene of Kiev and its significance in urban development and a different international perception of a conflict-ridden country promise to be just as exciting a topic for discussion as the current developments in the Hungarian media landscape and the accompanying situation of the Hungarian music scenes or the state of the Croatian independent festivals, venues and promoters and their assessment of the effects of the long-standing presence of many large international festivals.

The music scenes and music markets of the Republic of Moldova, Romania and Serbia, which are still rather unknown in this country, will be presented in presentation panels with representatives from the live, recorded music, publishing & sync and media sectors. This year there will also be numerous cooperation partners hosting specific panels, presentations and workshops, such as the Austrian Independent Label Association VTMÖ and Yamaha on the topic of (live) streaming, the Vienna Club Commission on the situation of club organisers and the women’s mentoring project MEWEM Europe.

Festival and Conference Tickets

Until 15 May 2021, Festival Passes are still available for EUR 37. After that, the price will rise to EUR 49.
They are valid for all 3 festival days.

The Conference Ticket (without Festival) costs EUR 38 until 15 May 2021, afterwards EUR 50, the Pro Pass (Festival+Conference) costs EUR 65 until 15 May 2021, afterwards EUR 75.

Click here for ticketing for the Festival
And here to the ticketing for the Conference


Waves Festival

