Extended Edition: Austrian Heartbeats Music Travel Guide

Where does electronic dance music maven Parov Stelar go to discover exciting new music? What’s all the fuss about the new wave of Austrian pop music which is currently sweeping Europe? What Vienna locations does legendary producer Patrick Pulsinger show to friends from out of town? Which music festivals throughout Austria are must-sees?

Just in time for the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest, which the Austrian capital city of Vienna will be playing host to, Austrian Music Export has published a new extended edition of the well-known “Austrian Heartbeats – A Contemporary Musical Travel Guide to Austria“. The book’s handsome design comes courtesy of the renowned Vienna-based agency, 3007.


This handy and thoroughly entertaining book provides a comprehensive overview of the music- and art scenes, and whets the reader’s appetite for a trip to Austria. Besides a host of fun facts and valuable information, this guide, which was published in cooperation with Verlag für moderne Kunst, features interviews with Austria’s foremost music-makers and essays about the country‘s current music landscape.


The extended edition includes a new chapter that pays tribute to Austria’s involvement with the Eurovision Song Contest: It features an interview with ESC-2014-winner Conchita Wurst, an article about Austria’s Eurovision-history, a critical look at music talent shows, and a tribute to Austria’s first-ever Eurovision-winner, the late Udo Jürgens.


With contributions by: Austrofred, Thomas Edlinger, Rainer Elstner, Sebastian Fasthuber, Andreas Felber, Robert Fröwein, Franz Hergovich, Rainer Krispel, Johannes Luxner, Robert Rotifer, Ralf Strobl, Manuel Simbürger, Stefan Trischler, Doris Weberberger and Franz Wenzl.

Interviews with: Attwenger, Bauchklang, Bensh, Conchita Wurst, Der Nino aus Wien, Veronika Eberhart, Effi, Fuzzman, Gustav, hmbc, Mel, Wolfgang Möstl, Ogris Debris, Maja Osojnik, Thomas Pronai, Parov Stelar and Patrick Pulsinger.



Commissioned by: Austrian Music Export
Publisher: Verlag für moderne Kunst, Vienna
Contributors: Austrian Music Export and various authors, photographers and illustrators
Design: 3007 (Eva Dranaz, Jochen Fill)
Edition: 2nd English edition, 2015
Translator: Robert Rotifer


The Austrian Heartbeats book is available in all good music and book stores around the country, or can be ordered online from the publisher Verlag für moderne Kunst.