European Music Business Training (EMBT) Hamburg Music – Register now!

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With the European Music Business Training (EMBT) Hamburg Music and its partners offer a unique training opportunity for employees in the European music business. It supports employees, solo self-employed persons and music companies in their further development, innovative capacity and crisis management. The offer includes a variety of seminars and workshops that provide music business-specific knowledge with a focus on digitalresilient and green recovery. The sessions will be conducted by senior music industry experts and will take place (digitally or on-site) from September 2022 to April 2023. All sessions will be free of charge.

EMBT: Qualification for professionals in the European music business

Currently, the global music sector is in the midst of a major transformation. New (digital) business models have arisen in recent years. Cross-border cooperation especially in the EU is intensifying, requiring knowledge of national specifics and networks. Moreover, the economic struggles following the COVID-19 pandemic highlight the importance of innovation, networks and creativity.
Additionally, the music sector needs to play its part in the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.

In order to approach these problems, Hamburg Music has set up the European Music Business Training (EMBT). The section of the training programme focusing on digital recovery covers topics such as web3, blockchain, and the opportunities of digital transformation for businesses. The sessions under the umbrella of resilience aim to support and empower underrepresented groups and genders. The programme’s focus on sustainability will incorporate green touring and green

EMBT will enable the participants to gain knowledge and make their businesses more resilient, digitized and green. With their increased knowledge participants will bring back new ideas and international networks into their companies, culminating in new business opportunities.

The programme kicks off with the on-site seminar “Content Creation with AI” at Reeperbahn Festival on September 23. Werner Bogula (ARIC) will present the current technical status in the field of AI-generated content, while legal consequences will be discussed with Dr. Bahne Sievers (Fieldfisher). Jovanka von Wilsdorf, expert on artificial intelligence in music creation, will show a few examples as an introduction to the subsequent discussion, moderated by Inken März, where the topic will be debated with the audience regarding its future viability and applicability for the music industry.


Registration for this session is possible as of now.

The training programme will be advertised EU-wide and is supported by MusicAIRE (An Innovative Recovery for Europe), co-funded by the European Union under the 2020 annual work programme for the implementation of the “Preparatory Action – Music Moves Europe: Boosting European music diversity and talent”. Additional support comes from the City of Hamburg. Cooperating partners are Associazione Italiana Organizzatori e Produttori Spettacoli di Musica dal vivo (Assomusica), Chambre Syndicale De l’Edition Musicale (CSDEM), the International Confederation of Music Publishers (ICMP), as well as the Music Community of Aarhus (Promus).

Interested parties can find out more about the programme and register for sessions
online via the Homepage.