European Commission publishes the first European Music Export Study in partnership with EMEE

Photo (c) Yvette De Wit / Unsplash

European Commission publishes the first European Music Export Study in partnership with EMEE – European Music Exporters Exchange.

The European Commission has published a “Study on a European Export Strategy”, an in-depth analysis on the status of European music’s export capacity (both within the EU member states and internationally) outlining the main challenges of the sector and proposing practical solutions to enhance and strengthen the competitiveness of Europe’s music sector on the international market.

The research – which is the product of a year long work carried out by a consortium of partners led by Le Bureau Export with mica – music austria, KEA and Factory 92 – looks into the main issues, opportunities and operational tools to increase the cross-border circulation of European repertoire in the world. The analysis is an effort to define those issues and come up with a toolbox to address them in a practical manner that can be carried out by the European music sector with the Commission’s support, with the ultimate aim of promoting Europe’s music diversity and talent beyond European borders.

EMEE has been deeply involved in this research. Experts from the network have compiled international reports on key markets such as Canada, China and South Africa, while the whole network has elaborated and fine-tuned the strategy included in the Study out of the analysis done throughout the year of the research. Furthermore, all the European music export offices have participated in a survey to map the different EU countries’ export strategies: in fact, the study also took stock of existing national strategies and initiatives (including those co-funded by the EU) to encourage the cross-border circulation of emerging talents and repertoire within and beyond Europe, and test ideas for promoting music export in the future, including through Creative Europe.

It has been a great honour and a fantastic experience to work on the study for a whole year as an European team” – commented Corinne Sadki, Head of research, communication and digital development at Le Bureau Export and Chairwoman of EMEE.

“Our main goal was building the first step for an ambitious project which we hope will be shared and carried on by the whole European music ecosystem. We believe artists, professionals, Members States and the European Commission, aiming together in the same direction, can give European music the place it deserves. Europe’s got the greatest artists, let them shine.”  Corinne Sadki

Co-author Franz Hergovich (Austrian Music Export/mica – music austria, EMEE board member) describes the collaboration and joint interest like this:

“It was an incredibly instructive and exciting experience for us to be able to work on this study as part of the consortium. The study represents an important step towards achieving our common goal: to build a unified and strong European market and create a framework for European artists and their economic partners, which will lead to a competitive European music market, thus ending the current Anglo-American dominance in the music sector. Music from Europe is incredibly diverse and of high quality. Apart from the economic benefits, it is one of our most important identity-giving and people-uniting cultural assets; it should find its audience worldwide”. Franz Hergovich

The publication is the result of a call for tenders launched in 2018 as part of “Music Moves Europe”, the initiative through which the European Union looks at new ways to articulate dialogue, policy and support for the music sector in Europe. The main objectives and toolbox included in the Study were tested and widely accepted by representatives and stakeholders from across the music sector in Europe at the first Music Export Conference held in Brussels in October 2019 and organised by Factory 92.

The study is available here: Music Moves Europe – A European Music Export Strategy : Final Report – Study

EMEE study horizontal

About EMEE

EMEE is a non-profit association made up of 24 national and regional Music Export offices from all over Europe, with its registered office based in Brussels. Our members pull together a mix of public and private funding to support European musicians, music companies and music professionals in their export strategies.
Help provided by music export offices who are part of EMEE includes funding, capacity building and training, business to business advice, international networking, business support programs and much more. Through their work, our members encourage cross border circulation, cultural diversity and economic development for music professionals and the artists they assist, while consulting, initiating and/or implementing music export policies at National, European and Global level.

Given the nature of our member’s work, EMEE is an ideal driver and resource for:

  • Expertise regarding the European music sector at a very detailed level
  • Expertise regarding the global music sector at a detailed level
  • Strategic advice on music export matters
  • Central communication for their users, European artists and music professionals
  • Databases of national and international contacts
  • Music business reports and useful research

Contact EMEE: / Twitter: EuropeanMusicX / Facebook: EuropeanMusicX

EMEE – European Music Exporters Exchange
Music Moves Europe
mica – music austria