EMX presents its 2nd call for applications: CAPACITY BUILDING PROGRAMME – CALL FOR MUSIC EXPORTERS! This programme will engage a group of 45 music industry professionals including 15 exporters, to come together and explore cutting edge methods of music export, from new funding models to digital collaboration, mentoring to job shadowing; while also examining the challenges faced by artists from across Europe when trying to export their music worldwide. Apply now if you work in music export, are based in the EU, speak fluent English and if you want to help design music export programmes of the future. The deadline for applications is July 14th, 2021.

What is EMX?

EMX is a new project, funded by the European Commission and implemented by a consortium of European music export offices and cultural institutions, aimed at finding new strategies to develop and promote European music in the world. Hand in hand with networks representing European music professionals, artists, musicians, authors and composers, the general objective of this work will be to generate new knowledge and approaches to European music export through research and innovative pilot actions. The pilot actions include trade missions, international delegation tours, capacity building programmes and research studies.


This capacity building programme is one of the key parts of the EMX Project, which aims to design EU pilot programs for music export. Building on and informed by the findings on the needs, challenges and opportunities for music exports uncovered by the research in the first part of the EMX programme (read more about all elements of the project here) and previously in the Study on the European Music Export Strategy. We will engage a group of 45 music industry professionals including 15 exporters, to come together and explore cutting edge methods of music export, from new funding models to digital collaboration, mentoring to job shadowing; while also examining the challenges faced by artists from across Europe when trying to export their music worldwide. This programme will produce results looking at the most impactful methods of export for artists and the tools that export offices need in order to support and develop talent in their own countries. This call is specifically for those experienced in music export, with strong knowledge of the programmes and methods of music export in their country.


We are looking for 15 music exporter professionals, who above all are passionate about connecting people and keen to explore new ways of exporting music. Do you work at a music export office or on export initiatives with similar aims? Are you responsible for helping artists, managers and labels realise their export potential? Then we want to hear from you.

Please apply if you meet the criteria:

  • Have worked in music export for more than 2 years (at an export office or other organisation with export initiatives)
  • Responsible for helping others reach their export potential, designing programmes, courses and materials to assist creatives in exporting their work in your own country.
  • EU citizens, with a EU passport and based in an EU member state
  • Speak fluent English

Please note: Only one professional per organisation will be chosen to participate in this programme

As well as evaluating applications on their enthusiasm and passion for innovative methods of music export, we will ensure selected participants cover a range of experience (including those who have worked to implement export initiatives in developing markets or in countries without dedicated export offices), from a range of EU countries and are gender balanced.

(c) EMX


We will expect all chosen participants to commit fully to the EMX arranged activities. Attending all 4 of the modules happening throughout October – January, whether digitally or in person – covid allowing, we will expect you to attend all of the physical events (October 19/20 and January 18, all in Amsterdam). We expect you to participate with ideas and contribute to the group in a proactive and open way, providing support and guidance for those less experienced in export. Main activities are scheduled as follows (dates and locations are subject to change).

  • Navigating the “New Normal”. New trends, challenges and opportunities in the (post-)COVID world for music export (1 day, In Person – Amsterdam, 19 October 2021)
  • Music export from a European perspective (1 day, In Person – Amsterdam, 20th of October)
  • In-depth look at a market: India (1 day, digital, 23rd of November)
  • Learning from the past and designing the future (1 day, In Person – Amsterdam, 18th of January)

As well as the core activities, all 15 experts will be invited to apply for further funding support in order to participate in a job shadowing programme. If successful this activity is to be completed between October 1st 2021 – January 17th, 2022 and will last between 10 – 20 days. We will provide the support needed to work with another export organisation to develop new projects, gain a better understanding of how the organisation is run, and work on innovative new ideas.


Each participant will receive the following:

  • €400 travel contribution to cover participation of all in person elements.
  • The opportunity to apply to take part in our job shadowing programme for exporters.
  • Connection and networking with a group of exciting and like minded individuals from across europe.
  • The opportunity to contribute towards the building of future EU Programmes for music export.
  • Access to the participant hub for training and contact building.

Please note: This opportunity is not paid beyond the travel contribution. Travel contribution will be paid 50% on confirmation of participation and 50% once all activities have been completed.


For any questions or further information please email capacitybuilding@europeanmusic.eu with the subject ‘EMX Application’.

Additional access support can be provided to those that need it. Applicants are invited to discuss the amount of extra support needed with the EMX team via capacitybuilding@europeanmusic.eu as well.

Austrian Music Export and mica-music austria are proud partners of EMEE.