Elektro Guzzi and UMA @ Sonar

Sonar, Barcelona/Spain
June 13th – 15th 2013

This year the Sonar Festival will celebrate its 20th anniversary with loads of amazing acts and big names. Taking place in Barcelona from the 13th – 15th of June 2013, Sonar is the biggest festival for electronic music in Europe and is one of a kind. Each year, internationally renowned artists from the field of electronic music and multimedia art gather here to value the experimental nature of both art and music. Festival visitors and fans of Sonar are presented with the perfect merge of electronic music and multimedia art, which makes this festival a must in the calenders of many many music art connoisseurs. Lasting for three days and two nights, the festival is annually visited by approximately 80,000 people. http://www.sonar.es

Elektro Guzzi

Performance Date & Time: Friday, June 14th – 05:30 p.m.
The three-member “techno-dance band” Elektro Guzzi will be sure to excite the festival’s audience with unlimited possibilities of visionary and creative work in techno style. While using solely guitar, bass and drums, the band takes the most unusual playing techniques and puts them together into a rigid mechanical form, which makes them one of the currently most thrilling live performances.


Performance Date & Time: Friday, June 14th – 02:30 p.m.
Electronic music a little more out of the ordinary and more of an art claim than fit for the mass appeal – this is how you could describe UMA’s music. Subtle beats meet multi-layered, psychedelic, densified soundscapes and weirdest noises. UMA presents itself as an attempt to work out the avant-garde aspect in the pop context and make it come to the fore. As far away from usual song structures and big dramatic pop gestures as possible, the two band members create songs of a restrained and understated character that are reminiscent of elaborate sound collages. A gripping mix that captivates the listening ear from the very first moment.