Dublin Sound Lab presents Peter Ablinger’s “3 Places Dublin”

peter_ablinger_placesDublin Sound Lab presents two concerts contextualising music performance in the urban environment at Tiger Dublin Fringe 2014. In both concerts, five wind players lead the audience on an interactive navigation through Dublin’s soundscape. 3 Places Dublin, by Austrian composer Peter Ablinger, is a new multi-venue work for three unique Dublin spaces visited by audience and musicians walking together through the city. Inspired by Ablinger’s work, four Dublin composers – Piaras Hoban, Gráinne Mulvey, Fergal Dowling and Rob Canning – have devised a collaborative performance for five wind players, Responses, featuring interactive electronics, mobile performers and mobile audience distributed throughout the four levels of the Temple Bar Gallery & Studios Atrium.

Dublin Sound Lab and the Contemporary Music Centre have invited Irish composers, sound artists to participate in this masterclass with Peter Ablinger. The masterclass is free to attend but is restricted to a maximum of six participants. The Contemporary Music Centre will cover travel expenses within Ireland within reason. Selected participants will be notified by 10 September and will attend both concerts in Dublin, 17 and 18 September.

Peter Ablinger (© Siegrid Ablinger)

Peter Ablinger has established a reputation as one of the top composers in contemporary music. Over four decades his work has explored new aesthetic and technical fields, examining the nature of sound, noise, timbre, performance context, non-narrative forms, site-specific performances, installations, text-based works, instrumental and electronic collaborations (including his famous ‘speaking piano’ pieces), and even the concept of ‘music without sound’. This is only the second time that Ablinger has been performed in Ireland and will be his first visit to Dublin. Don’t miss this concert-length work that bridges universal musical qualities with locally informed detail and which places the listener at the very centre of the musical experience. Peter Ablinger will be in attendance at both performances.


Places (Peter Ablinger’s 3 Places Dublin)
Beginning at Temple Bar Gallery & Studios, visiting Dublin Fruit Market and St Michan’s Church
17 September 2014, 8pm (€16/14)

Peter Ablinger Masterclass
Contemporary Music Centre, Dublin
18 September 2014, 2pm (admission free to selected composers)

Temple Bar Gallery & Studios, Dublin
18 September 2014, 8pm (€16/14)


Joe Farrell, flute
Paul Roe, clarinet
Eoghan Cooke, horn
Kevin O’Hara, trumpet
Shane Clear, trumpet
Larissa O’Grady, violin


Peter Ablinger (official website) | http://ablinger.mur.at/
Peter Ablinger (mica – music database) | http://db.musicaustria.at/en/node/50013
Dublin Sound Lab | http://www.dublinsoundlab.ie
Tiger Dublin Fringe | http://fringefest.com


Funded by Dublin City Council and the Austrian Embassy Dublin. Supported by Contemporary Music Centre Dublin and the Irish Architecture Foundation.


mica_db_mockupWith comprehensive data on over 1,000 composers, and 42,000 works, the online music database at db.musicaustria.at is the most important international source of information on Austrian-based composers, performers and ensembles.

Link: http://db.musicaustria.at