Donaueschinger Musiktage – 90 Years of New Sounds and Experimental Concerts

Founded in 1921, the Donaueschingen Music Festival is the oldest festival for contemporary music and takes place every year in the small German town of Donaueschingen. This year the Donaueschingen Music Festival will take place from the 14th to the 16th of October and has plenty to celebrate, namely its ninetieth birthday.

In continuation to the festival’s remarkable history of introducing exciting new sound creations to the world, this celebratory year will include twenty world premieres by artists from sixteen nations around the world. Among many other highlights, the festival will feature world premieres by the outstanding Austrian composers Wolfgang Mitterer and Pierluigi Billone.

Needless to say, mica – music austria will also be on the spot representing Austrian composers and their music. The presence at the Donaueschingen festival allows the mica – music austria staff to introduce and promote Austrian music productions, publications, compositions and services to a broader public and make new international contacts.

mica – music austria wants to especially use this oppurtunity to introduce a number of young Austrian composers of contemporary music and has been working hand in hand with these aspiring musicians on portraits, folders and cds, which will be presented at the festival.