Crossways in Contemporary Music

For all of music history, composers have been inspired by related art forms, scientific disciplines, the wonder of nature or the supernatural. In order to open up new perspectives and listening experiences, they are continuously breaking new ground. They calculate constellations, observe moods and processes in nature, or enter into collaborations with fellow artists. There are no limits to art. That is why Austrian Music Export and mica – music austria proudly present the article series “Crossways in Contemporary Music”.

“Crossways in Contemporary Music” aims to take a closer look at these mostly unsung connections in contemporary music. Contemporary music in Austria is summarized and connected, chapter by chapter, across a wide variety of areas. These subject areas include nature / dance and choreography / visual arts and installations. Austrian Music Export and mica – music austria will present outstanding works and provide in-depth insights into the diverse working methods of Austrian composers and international artists.

The first chapter will be nature. For this purpose, Michael Franz Woels contacted numerous Austrian composers or composers living in Austria who create an individual approach to nature in or with their music. This approach happens in a variety of ways. Some of the composers create connections to nature in their compositions by means of field recordings, others raise the question of music in nature. Some even see nature as a connection with the past. In the coming weeks, various composers and their works with / about / from / through / to nature will be presented in a series of articles. They are also accompanied by photographs that were inspired by these projects.

Following this, comes the second chapter on contemporary music’s intersection with dance and choreography.

Stay tuned!